Categoric Terms

Terms used to catergorized all abstracts in 5 categories.

Box 1. Terms to catergorized abstracts

Diagnosis Treatmnet Epidemiology Transmission Clinical*
Diagnostic treatment Epidemiology Transmission Clinical
diagnosis Therapeutics Epidemiologic Sexually Transmitted Diseases Symptoms
Techniques Therapy Pharmacoepidemiology Infectious Disease Transmission Sing
Reagent Kits Medication Health Services Research Disease Transmission Sing and Symptoms
Immunologic Tests Health Resorts NA Infection Transmission Delivery of Health Care
Nursing Diagnosis Life Support Care NA NA Signs and Symptoms
Serologic Tests Palliative Care NA NA Clinical Medicine
Diagnostic Imaging Patient Care Planning NA NA Medical Records
Clinical Diagnosis Patient Dropouts NA NA Treatment Outcome
Medicamentous Diagnosis Residential Treatment NA NA Practice Guideline
Diagnosis of Health Situation drug effects NA NA Critical Pathways
Clinical Laboratory Techniques Intensive Care Units NA NA Disease Management
Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures Pretreatment NA NA Decision Support Systems
Molecular Diagnostic Techniques Clinical Protocols NA NA Equivalence Trial
Telediagnostics Patient Compliance NA NA NA
NA Treatment Outcome NA NA NA
NA Medical Futility NA NA NA
NA Homebound Persons NA NA NA
NA Withholding Treatment NA NA NA
NA Medication Therapy Management NA NA NA
NA Medication Adherence NA NA NA
NA Molecular Targeted Therapy NA NA NA
NA Molecular Therapy NA NA NA
NA Transitional Care NA NA NA
NA Conservative Treatment NA NA NA
NA Teletherapy NA NA NA

*Clinical, signs and symptoms

Common Terms Excluded

Download the .xlsx file of all common excluded words

Box 2. Top 30 to catergorized abstracts

Global Diagnosis Treatmnet Epidemiology Transmission Clinical*
covid-19 sars-cov-2 coronavirus sars-cov-2 sars-cov-2 sars-cov-2
patients has sars-cov-2 data cases coronavirus
sars-cov-2 cases has has 2020 has
coronavirus 2020 been 2019 been may
has been data had data using
abstract had patient more (covid-19) 2019
2020 may (covid-19) (covid-19) more been
may more cases among among had
data (covid-19) had china number more
cases using more results had (covid-19)
been ct used higher such among
2019 results such review high high
more among should including results s
had review among used used number
(covid-19) early due however including however
found ci s those evidence those
using however number should patient both
among while both ci s while
patient need need patient however 95%
used (sars-cov-2) while (sars-cov-2) due china
results three early evidence early found
such found ci both need further
s without china january higher three
reported 95% many while many vs
higher evidence found due further identify
including further without found ci
high many three further likely likely
number vs within 95% without wuhan
should (95% wuhan lower 10 rapidly
review identify identify ct january (95%

*Clinical, signs and symptoms