
Gene Context Sentence

Table 2. Analysis of context sentence of SRL gene in 8 abstracts.

PMID Gene Context Sentence
32583531 Operating shared resource laboratories (SRL) in times of pandemic is a challenge for research institutions. […] These recommendations may prove useful for other types of SRLs.
32800858 The aim of this systematic literature review (SRL) and meta-analysis was to analyse the influence of gender on COVID-19 mortality, severity, and disease outcomes. […] A SRL was performed in PubMed and Embase, searching terms corresponding to the ‘PEO’ format: population = adult patients affected with COVID-19; exposure = gender; outcome = any available clinical outcomes by gender, including mortality and disease severity.
33102667 Thus understanding the capabilities of SRL is essential for achieving successful education during this pandemic.
33175460 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on training and Shared Resource Laboratory (SRL) operations such as staffing, facility access, and social distancing, has affected facilities around the globe to different degrees based on restrictions set by various geographical and institutional settings. […] Through the use of remote access tools and prerecorded educational and training materials, SRLs are able to overcome these obstacles. […] Here, we focus on readily available technologies and general guidelines that SRLs in different environments can use for remote cytometry training and education, while highlighting key obstacles that still remain. […] Although SRLs may face initial struggles in transitioning trainings to a virtual format, remote technologies provide unique opportunities to advance current training programs.
33175466 Undoubtedly, the global pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has had a significant impact on Shared Resource Laboratories (SRL) operations worldwide. […] Unlike other crises (e.g., natural disasters, acts of war, or terrorism) which often result in a sudden and sustained cessation of scientific research usually affecting one or two cities at a time, this impact is being seen simultaneously in every SRL worldwide albeit to a varying degree. […] The alterations to SRL operations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic can generally be divided into three categories: (1) complete shutdown, (2) partial shutdown, and (3) uninterrupted operations. […] In many cases, SRLs that remained partially or fully operational during the initial wave of global infections saw a concurrent increase in COVID-19-related research coming through their facilities. […] This forced SRLs to make rapid adjustments to core operations at the same time as infectious disease experts were still developing recommendations for the safety of frontline medical workers. […] Although many SRLs already had contingency plans in place, this pandemic has highlighted the importance of having such plans for continuity of service, if possible, during a crisis. […] Immediate changes have occurred in the way SRLs operate due to potential virus transmission and in line with this new “Best Practices” have been established, that is,social distancing, remote working, and technology-based meetings and training. […] Although many changes have been made in haste, these will alter the future operations of SRLs.
33197114 Data management is essential in a flow cytometry (FCM) shared resource laboratory (SRL) for the integrity of collected data and its long-term preservation, as described in the Cytometry publication from 2016, ISAC Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratory (SRL) Best Practices (Barsky et al.: Cytometry Part A 89A(2016): 1017-1030). […] The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic introduced an array of challenges in the operation of SRLs.
33197144 The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected shared resource lab (SRL) staff in-person availability at institutions globally. […] These solutions employ software and hardware tools that are already in use or readily available in the SRL community, such as remote instrument access tools, video hosting and conferencing platforms, and ISAC shared resources.
33251093 The paper reflects the travel behavior evolution during the development of the outbreak resulting from residents’ self- regulation and governmental measures, distinguishing travel for commute, Social/Recreational/Leisure (SRL), and shopping activities, as well as use of different travel modes based on various socio-economic characteristics. […] Due to the application of the social distancing of at least 1.5 m, closure of numerous non-essential venues, encouraging teleworking and distance education, job losses and cancellation of all social gatherings in Istanbul between the second and third phase of our data collection, the transition in travel activity pattern and transport mobility appears to be quite extreme, particularly for commuting and SRL trips.