
Cell Sentence Context

Table 1. Analysis of context sentence of cortical tissue in 43 abstracts.

PMID Senteces
32418237 We hypothesise that asymptomatic hypoxemia presented by COVID-19 patients with severe pneumonia is related to a dysfunction of cortical rather than of subcortical structures, and is linked to SARS-CoV-2 neuroinvasiveness.
32426200 We present a case of a cortical stroke in a 31-year-old coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) positive female with otherwise no stroke risk factors.
32448674 The association between COVID-19 and stroke was probably causal in 2 patients, who presented cortical infarcts and had no relevant arterial or cardioembolic disease, but did show signs of hypercoagulability and systemic inflammation in laboratory analyses.
32462412 These seizures are likely multifactorial in origin, including cortical irritation due to blood-brain barrier breakdown, precipitated by the cytokine reaction as a part of the viral infection.
32527843 CT/MR imaging showed a common pattern of multifocal subcortical/cortical petechial-type hemorrhages, while SWI showed more extensive multifocal abnormalities.
32558956 Cortical and subcortical T2/FLAIR signal changes are common neuroimaging abnormalities.
32671084 In addition, our team recently demonstrated that the application of tDCS on the primary cortical motor area can modulate the excitability of the respiratory neurological pathways.
32680910 The three allograft specimens showed grade 2A acute T cell-mediated rejection, cortical infarction, or acute tubular injury.
32709734 Brain 18F-FDG-PET showed diffuse cortical hypometabolism, associated with putaminal and cerebellum hypermetabolism, compatible with encephalitis, and especially cerebellitis.
32734862 MRI showed multiple ischaemic cortical lesions.
32761196 Blood tests, toxicological urine screening and brain imaging were unremarkable, with the exception of a mild cortical atrophy in the eldest patient (Male, 73 years).
32784243 Imaging done at admission confirmed extensive cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) with bilateral venous cortical infarcts and acute cortical haemorrhage.
32799213 AHNE usually involves the subcortical white matter but not the cortical grey matter. […] This study describes the disruptive effects of AHNE associated with SARS-CoV-2 on cognitive function in a previously healthy and sound middle-aged woman resulting from alterations in cortical areas involved in the cognitive network.
32807489 We present a case of bilateral occipito-temporal infarction revealed by a sudden cortical blindness with haemorrhagic transformation after intravenous thrombolysis in a diabetic patient infected by Covid-19.
32819907 Brain CT and MR imaging findings have included cortical abnormalities, microinfarction in the white matter, large-vessel occlusion, and features of meningitis.
32852257 The primary outcome was the incidence rate of cerebrovascular events, inclusive of acute ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhages (ICH), and cortical vein and/or sinus thrombosis (CVST).
32876012 Seven cases showed necrosis, generally ischemic; four showed cortical lipid degeneration; two showed hemorrhage; and one unspecific focal adrenalitis.
32883670 MR imaging brain findings included specific diagnoses (such as acute infarct, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome) or specific imaging features (such as cortical FLAIR signal abnormality, microhemorrhages). […] Other common findings included a constellation of leukoencephalopathy and microhemorrhages, leptomeningeal contrast enhancement, and cortical FLAIR signal abnormality.
32890371 Mechanisms of cortical psychoses are approached by complementing big data-driven genetics and imaging with a putatively subverted neurovascular “reverse plumbing” by arteries. […] The “cortical spread” of grey matter loss in schizophrenia and the mid-pericallosal “congestion” in fMRI of periodic catatonia - treatable electromagnetically along arteries - are interpreted in terms of the fastest interstitial outflow through the Cerebral IntraMural Reverse Arterial Flow-engine (CIMURAF, Treviranus 2018-19) draining “waste” via arterio-adventitial lymphatics to the neck.
32895961 Case 1 demonstrated severe multifocal cortical infarction with extensive perivascular calcification and numerous megakaryocytes, consistent with a severe multi-territorial cerebral vascular injury. […] Our case series adds calcifying cerebral cortical infarction with associated megakaryocytes and brainstem encephalitis to the spectrum of neuropathological findings that may contribute to the neurological decompensation seen in some COVID-19 patients.
32911874 Here, we utilized human embryonic stem cell-derived brain organoids and monolayer cortical neurons to investigate infection of brain with pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 viral particles.
32973666 Most strokes were cortical (84.6%) and more than 50% of patients had no identifiable source, and were categorized as embolic stroke of unknown source (ESUS).
33023500 Few hours later she developed symptoms of cortical blindness that resolved in 72 h with normal brain computed tomography (CT) angiography.
33075595 Compared to the control group, the SARS-CoV-2 infected patients were significantly older (50.9 versus 36.7 years, p < 0.001), had a lower rate of identified CVST risk factors (23.1% versus 84.2%, p < 0.001), had more frequent cortical vein involvement (38.5% versus 10.5%, p: 0.025), and a non-significant higher rate of in-hospital mortality (23.1% versus 5.3%, p: 0.073).
33090303 In case 1, electroencephalogram did not reveal any cortical correlates and brain imaging of the spine was unremarkable, while in case 2, cortical origin of myoclonus was demonstrated.
33132007 Primary olfactory cortical signal abnormality was seen in 21.7% of cases.
33133820 MRI of the brain was done and it showed an abnormal signal in the bilateral medial cortical frontal region.
33138717 The endoscopic technique offers the lowest risk of droplet formation as compared with microscopic approaches, with a significant 4.5-fold reduction of droplets between endoscopic and microscopic epitympanectomy and a 62-fold reduction between endoscopic epitympanectomy and cortical mastoidectomy.
33163956 A brain magnetic resonance imaging showed extensive involvement of the brain including cortical and subcortical right frontal regions, right thalamus, bilateral temporal lobes and cerebral peduncles, with no leptomeningeal enhancement.
33171425 COVID-19 positive patients had more cortical strokes (34.4% vs 5.6%; p = 0.001), severe disease (NIHSS >10: 34.4% vs 16.7%; p = 0.001) prolonged hospitalization and fewer with good recovery (mRS 0-2: 28.1% vs 51.9%; p = 0.001). […] COVID-19 positive patients were more likely to have a large cortical stroke with severe symptoms and poor outcome.
33255569 Neurocognitive symptoms associated with COVID-19 include delirium, both acute and chronic attention and memory impairment related to hippocampal and cortical damage, as well as learning deficits in both adults and children.
33263692 T1-weighted magnetic resonance sequence of the brain showed an area of hypointensity with a high intrinsic cortical signal and hyperintensity in the T2-sequence.
33285362 We describe the case of a 17-year old female with Cornelia de Lange syndrome and well controlled epilepsy, who sustained significant cortical injury during a COVID-19 associated multi-inflammatory syndrome.
33375540 Data in the literature report that a number of studies have attempted to identify the exact location of the cortical olfaction representation, searching for evidence suggesting that sniffing odors can initiate a primary activation of the piriform cortex and the insula. […] Subjects were presented with the same odorous stimuli at specific intervals. fMRI generated brain maps were used in the identification of different cortical areas, involved in the stimuli perception.
33398411 Decrease or increase in glucose metabolism abnormalities was observed (p < .001 uncorrected, k ≥ 50 voxels) in core olfactory and high-order neocortical areas. […] Loss of smell is associated with subtle cerebral metabolic changes in core olfactory and high-order cortical areas likely related to combined processes of deafferentation and active functional reorganization secondary to the lack of olfactory stimulation.
33433624 Finally, in autopsies from patients who died of COVID-19, we detect SARS-CoV-2 in cortical neurons and note pathological features associated with infection with minimal immune cell infiltrates.
33483885 The striking pathologic changes included diffuse edema (n=25, 17.1%), gliosis with diffuse activation of microglia and astrocytes (n=52, 35.6%), infarctions involving cortical and subcortical areas of the brain (n=4, 2.7%), intracranial bleed (subarachnoid hemorrhage and punctate hemorrhages) (n=18, 12.4%), arteriosclerosis (n=43, 29.5%), hypoxic-ischemic injury (n=41, 28.1%), and signs of inflammation (n=52, 35.6%).
33488517 The therapeutic effect of dexamethasone may be related to its ability to improve cortical function. […] ACE2 receptor and TMPRSS2 serine protease were colocalized in adrenocortical cells in zona fasciculata and zona reticularis. […] We demonstrate that ACE2 and TMPRSS2 are colocalized in adrenocortical cells, and that the cortisol levels are lower in critically ill patients with COVID-19 as compared to those of non-COVID-19 critically ill patients.
33500867 This resulted in persistent cortical blindness (Anton’s syndrome). […] PRES has only rarely been reported in relation to SARS-CoV-2 infection and no patients have developed persistent cortical blindness.
33535257 Furthermore, cortical subarachnoid hemorrhage, typical and atypical cerebral hematomas, ischemic strokes, and generalized brain edema were documented.
33536937 The origin of this hyperventilation may be related to an abnormality of ventilatory control, by either hyperactivity of activator systems (automatic and cortical ventilatory control, peripheral afferents, and sensory cortex) or failure of inhibitory systems (endorphins) in the aftermath of pulmonary infection.
33564530 We present the case of a previously healthy 41-year-old man right-handed man diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) who developed multiple cortical ischemic infarcts.
33575849 Typical neuroimaging features include multifocal, variable-sized, poorly defined cerebral white matter lesions with cortical sparing.