
CD33 molecule

Gene Context Sentence

Table 2. Analysis of context sentence of CD33 gene in 2 abstracts.

PMID Gene Context Sentence
33178720 We hereby describe the possible novel severity biomarkers for COVID-19, CD11b+CD33+HLA-DR-CD14+ cells and CD11b+CD33+HLA-DR-CD66b+ cells.
33254494 CD33-related Siglecs are important immune regulators. […] Siglec-3 (CD33) and Siglec-5 are expressed on CD33 myeloid derived suppressor cells (CD33 MDSC). […] Immunosuppressive CD33 MDSC populations are increased in all groups at risk of severe Covid-19 infection. […] CD33 expression is increased in persons with the CD33 rs3865444 CC allele, associated with Alzheimer’s disease, who would thus show enhanced susceptibility. […] Viral SGP ligation of CD33, potentially in conjunction with Siglec-5, would promote expansion of CD33 MDSC cells, as occurs in cancers but at much greater scale. […] CD33 is expressed on CNS microglia, potentially activated by SGP penetration through the porous cribriform plate to cause anosmia. […] Early data have confirmed extremely high-level increase of CD33 MDSC numbers in severe Covid-19 infection, consistent with the proposed mechanism.