amyloid beta precursor protein

Gene Context Sentence

Table 2. Analysis of context sentence of APP gene in 250 abstracts.

PMID Gene Context Sentence
32108862 Genome Detective is a web-based, user-friendly software application to quickly and accurately assemble all known virus genomes from next generation sequencing datasets. […] This application allows the identification of phylogenetic clusters and genotypes from assembled genomes in FASTA format. […] The tool can accept up to 2,000 sequences per submission and the analysis of a new whole genome sequence will take approximately one minute. […] The tool also allows tracking of new viral mutations as the outbreak expands globally, which may help to accelerate the development of novel diagnostics, drugs and vaccines to stop the COVID-19 disease.
32160889 As with the original SARS-CoV epidemic of 2002/2003 and with seasonal influenza, geographic information systems and methods, including, among other application possibilities, online real-or near-real-time mapping of disease cases and of social media reactions to disease spread, predictive risk mapping using population travel data, and tracing and mapping super-spreader trajectories and contacts across space and time, are proving indispensable for timely and effective epidemic monitoring and response. […] This paper offers pointers to, and describes, a range of practical online/mobile GIS and mapping dashboards and applications for tracking the 2019/2020 coronavirus epidemic and associated events as they unfold around the world. […] Some of these dashboards and applications are receiving data updates in near-real-time (at the time of writing), and one of them is meant for individual users (in China) to check if the app user has had any close contact with a person confirmed or suspected to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the recent past.
32169498 To address this concern, the study employed a total of 214 general public and 526 nurses (i.e., 234 front-line nurses and 292 non-front-line nurses) to evaluate vicarious traumatization scores via a mobile app-based questionnaire.
32234805 We conclude that viral spread is too fast to be contained by manual contact tracing, but could be controlled if this process was faster, more efficient and happened at scale. […] A contact-tracing App which builds a memory of proximity contacts and immediately notifies contacts of positive cases can achieve epidemic control if used by enough people.
32240973 Contact tracing using smartphone technology is a powerful tool that may be employed to limit disease transmission during an epidemic or pandemic; yet, contact tracing apps present significant privacy concerns regarding the collection of personal data such as location. […] The aim of this study is to develop an effective contact tracing smartphone app that respects user privacy by not collecting location information or other personal data. […] We propose the use of an anonymized graph of interpersonal interactions to conduct a novel form of contact tracing and have developed a proof-of-concept smartphone app that implements this approach. […] Our proof-of-concept smartphone app allows users to create “checkpoints” for contact tracing, check their risk level based on their past interactions, and anonymously self-report a positive status to their peer network. […] Our simulation results suggest that higher adoption rates of such an app may result in a better controlled epidemic or pandemic outbreak. […] This app could potentially be applied to the current COVID-19 pandemic as well as other epidemics or pandemics in the future to achieve a middle ground between drastic isolation measures and unmitigated disease spread.
32250958 Three documents containing institutional information concerning screening, local containment procedures, and frequently asked questions and answers for parents were made available to the staff through a mobile app developed in the University of Geneva, Switzerland. […] In a survey, medical staff found the information easy to find within the app. […] On a 10-point Likert scale, the ability of the app to reassure staff in clinical practice was rated as 7.6 (SD 2.1), time-saving ability was rated as 8.5 (SD 2.1), and the need to look for information from other sources was rated as 5.9 (SD 3.3).
32250961 Methods: A social media monitoring conducted through a qualitative design to analyze the discussions of social media users about the content related to COVID-19 transferred via Iranian medical faculty members` groups in Telegram and Whats App during Feb 20 to March 20, 2020 emphasizing the misinformation. […] Discourse analysis was applied and the written dialogues and discussions regarding misinformation about different aspects of the outbreak between medical faculty members all over the country were analyzed. […] Conclusion: This study contributes the management of COVID-19 outbreak trough providing applicable insights for health managers to manage public information in this challenging time.
32294052 We suggest and discuss an implementation of app-based contact-tracing to control the Covid-19 pandemic and discuss its data protection and user acceptability aspects.
32347685 In New York the neurosurgeon staff work in ICU as advanced practitioner (APP).
32348293 Second, we will be implementing the app to provide an online community to assist families and peer groups in maintaining contact with older people using goal setting. […] Anonymized data from the app will be aggregated with other real-world data sources to develop a machine learning algorithm to improve the identification of patients with COVID-19 and track for real time use by health systems. […] The app development framework for software design was based on agile methods. […] The evaluation of the app’s feasibility, acceptability and usability shall be conducted using Public Health England’s guidance on evaluating digital health products, Bandura’s model of health promotion, the Reach Effectiveness Adoption Implementation Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework and the Nonadoption, Abandonment and Challenges to the Scale-up, Spread and Suitability (NASSS) framework. […] Making use of a pre-existing software framework for health behavior change, a proof of concept was developed, and a multistage app development and deployment for the solution was created. […] Ethical approval for a feasibility study design is being sought. […] This case study lays the foundations for future app development to combat mental and societal issues arising from social distancing measures. […] The app will be tested and evaluated in future studies to allow continuous improvement of the app. […] This novel contribution will provide an evidence-based exemplar for future app development in the space of social isolation and loneliness.
32349962 The network synergizes a newly established 5G service, a smartphone app, and an existing telemedicine system.
32371551 As a central component of this initiative, we have developed a COVID-19 Symptom Tracker mobile application as a common data collection tool for epidemiologic cohort studies with active study participants. […] This mobile application collects information on risk factors, daily symptoms, and outcomes through a user-friendly interface that minimizes participant burden. […] The linkage of symptom data collected in the app with information and biospecimens already collected in epidemiology cohorts will position us to address key questions related to diet, lifestyle, environmental and socioeconomic factors on susceptibility to COVID-19, clinical outcomes related to infection, and long-term physical, mental health, and financial sequalae.
32393804 A total of 2,618,862 participants reported their potential symptoms of COVID-19 on a smartphone-based app. […] A model combining symptoms to predict probable infection was applied to the data from all app users who reported symptoms (805,753) and predicted that 140,312 (17.42%) participants are likely to have COVID-19.
32394650 In the conventional intervention group, the conventional observation was adopted without moxibusiton intervention applied. […] In this research, on the base of internet plus technology and with the internet communication platform adopted, through mobile phone WeChat App, it was to implement the subject screen, the random allocation and the instruction of moxibustion intervention as well as the quality control of patient’s diary and data collection.
32406855 The idea of the COVID-19 Caregiver Cockpit (C19CC) was to implement a free-of-charge web-/APP-based tool for patient assessment to assist health care professionals working in a COVID-19 environment.
32409432 As the number of confirmed cases grew, standardizing home-based care became critical to managing high-risk patients, moderating the risk of exposure for healthcare workers, and reducing the amount of community spread through appropriate education on home-based care for exposed or infected individuals. […] This novel, team-based approach to caring for patients with COVID-19 incorporates a self-monitoring app for patient engagement, monitors symptoms for early intervention, and promotes a holistic view of care.
32412422 Due to an urgent need for a tool that presents important reports based on valid data sources, a team of government experts and researchers focused on the design and development of a web app intended to provide a regularly updated overview of COVID-19 epidemiology in the Czech Republic to the general population. […] This complex reporting of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Czech Republic also shows an effective way to interconnect knowledge held by various specialists, such as regional and national methodology experts (who report positive cases of the disease on a daily basis), with knowledge held by developers of central registries, analysts, developers of web apps, and leaders in the health care sector.
32425292 The acronym for the tool is R-MAPP, as for Remote - Malnutrition APP, while the tool will be available also as an app.
32425430 The future updating of Aarogya Setu App ( for convenient online OPD registration and dispensation has been discussed and proposed.
32463375 However, given the temporary closure of UK stop smoking services and vape shops, smokers attempting to quit may instead seek out mobile health support, such as smartphone apps. […] We examined, using an interrupted time series approach, whether the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has been associated with a step change or increasing trend in UK downloads of an otherwise popular smoking cessation app, Smoke Free. […] Data were from daily and non-daily adult smokers in the UK who had downloaded the Smoke Free app between 1 January 2020 and 31 March 2020 (primary analysis) and 1 January 2019 and 31 March 2020 (secondary analysis). […] In the UK, between 1 January 2020 and 31 March 2020, and between 1 January 2019 and 31 March 2020, there was no evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has been associated with a large step change or increasing trend in downloads of a popular smoking cessation app.
32473497 In order to address this need, we created a downloadable pedagogical video content through first-person point-of-view to rapidly train users on COVID-19 procedures in the Revinax® Handbook mobile App. […] In one-month since the App was created, it was downloaded by 12,516 users and a feedback survey determined that the users valued the tutorials in helping them learn COVID-19 procedures efficiently in real-time. […] The 71.48% App user response rate, showed largely positive feedback of the COVID-19 tutorial. […] Further, the App users indicated that they FPV tutorial was rather helpful in addressing their training needs regarding their roles in COVID-19 patient care during the pandemic.
32474883 Patients with prefixed appointments had two-level screening for eligibility for teleconsultation. […] Those eligible were given the option for teleconsultation on the widely available WhatsApp app. […] In the first 7 days, out of 1469 appointments, 975 were found eligible for teleconsultation. […] Age, sex, availability of personal video conferencing app or of vehicles did not independently influence this score. […] Not making the switch could have deprived approximately three-quarters of these patients of proper medical care.Key Points• Patient to rheumatologist ratios in India is heavily skewed and awareness about telemedicine is limited.
32475884 Large-scale monitoring for capturing the current epidemiological situation of COVID-19 in Japan would improve preparation for and prevention of a massive outbreak.MethodsA chatbot-based healthcare system named COOPERA (COvid-19: Operation for Personalized Empowerment to Render smart prevention And care seeking) was developed using the LINE app to evaluate the current Japanese epidemiological situation. […] LINE users could participate in the system either though a QR code page in the prefecture’s website, or a banner at the top of the LINE app screen.
32480361 This study aimed to (1) develop a home-based rehabilitation (HBR) system that can recognize and record the type and frequency of rehabilitation exercises conducted by the user using a smartwatch and smartphone app equipped with a machine learning (ML) algorithm and (2) evaluate the efficacy of the home-based rehabilitation system through a prospective comparative study with chronic stroke survivors. […] The HBR system involves an off-the-shelf smartwatch, a smartphone, and custom-developed apps.
32481256 The coefficients of variance (CV = the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean) were applied to measure the relative variability for each CFR. […] An app developed for displaying the provisional CFR with the 2 CFR trends can improve the underestimated CFR reported by WHO and media.
32484783 We raise five calls to action to ensure the safety, availability and long-term sustainability of these technologies: (1) Due diligence: Remove harmful health apps from app stores; (2) Data insights: Use relevant health data insights from high-quality digital tools to inform the greater response to COVID-19; (3) Freely available resources: Make high-quality digital health tools available without charge, where possible and for as long as possible, especially to those who are most vulnerable; (4) Digital transitioning: Transform conventional offline mental health services to make them digitally available; and (5) Population self-management: Encourage governments and insurers to work with developers to look at how digital health management could be subsidised or funded.
32487005 To this end, acquiring respiratory data solely from breathing sounds fed to the smartphone’s microphone strikes as a very appealing resolution. […] The ideas presented have the potential to be deployed as self-test breathing monitoring apps for the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, where users can check their breathing sound pattern frequently through the app.
32490843 We adopted new electronic health record templates, hospital information system (HIS) dashboards, cloud-based medical image sharing, a mobile app, and smart vital sign monitoring devices. […] Patients used a mobile app to consult with their physician or nurse, answer questionnaires, and input self-measured vital signs; the results were uploaded to the hospital information system in real time. […] A multidisciplinary approach was integral to develop systems supporting patient care and management at the living and treatment support center as quickly as possible. […] Faced with a novel infectious disease, we describe the implementation and experience of applying an ICT-based patient management system in the LTSC affiliated with Seoul National University Hospital. […] ICT-based tools and applications are increasingly important in health care, and we hope that our experience will provide insight into future technology-based infectious disease responses.
32496261 The mHealth app Arogya Setu can substantially contribute to the containment and management of COVID-19. […] This study explores the experiences and expectations of Arogya Setu app users by conducting a combined content analysis of their reviews. […] The reviews are primarily posted in the areas of user acceptance (80%), app usefulness (72.8%), and app features (62.2%). […] The thematic analysis resulted in four themes: user acceptance, app usefulness, promptness of the Indian Government in bringing the app on time, and concerns and cautions raised by the users. […] These help in strengthening the app features enabling the real-time data capture and analytics and providing timely information to authorities for better decision-making.
32499212 We, therefore, developed a mini-program within the app WeChat.
32501313 With today’s world revolving around online interaction, dating applications (apps) are a prime example of how people are able to discover and converse with others that may share similar interests or lifestyles, including during the recent COVID-19 lockdowns. […] However, with each new app comes the possibility of criminal exploitation. […] For example, while apps with geolocation feature are intended for users to provide personal information that drive their search to meet someone, that same information can be used by hackers or forensic analysts to gain access to personal data, albeit for different purposes. […] This paper examines the Happn dating app (versions 9.6.2, 9.7, and 9.8 for iOS devices, and versions 3.0.22 and 24.18.0 for Android devices), which geographically works differently compared to most notable dating apps by providing users with profiles of other users that might have passed by them or in the general radius of their location.
32501802 We discuss the concept of a participatory digital contact notification approach to assist tracing of contacts who are exposed to confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19); the approach is simple and affordable for countries with limited access to health care resources and advanced technology. […] The proposed tool serves as a supplemental contract tracing approach to counteract the shortage of health care staff while providing privacy protection for both cases and contacts. […] This tool can be deployed on the internet or as a plugin for a smartphone app.
32516750 By providing citizens with an app, they always have access to the latest information and can assess their own health. […] The aim of this observational study is to assess people’s use of an app to support them with COVID-19 education, self-assessment, and monitoring of their own health for a 7-day period. […] In addition, we aim to assess the usability of this data for health care providers and policy makers by applying it to an interactive map and combining it with hospital data. […] The secondary outcomes of the study were user’s satisfaction with the information provided in the app, perceived usefulness of the app, health care providers they contacted, and the follow-up actions from this contact. […] From April 1, 2020, onwards ETZ offered the COVID-19 education, self-assessment, and symptom tracking diary to their already existing app for patient education and monitoring. […] Between April 1 and April 20, 2020, a total of 6194 people downloaded the app. […] The data was successfully applied to an interactive map, displaying user demographics and health status. […] App users were satisfied with the information in the app and appreciated the symptom diary functionality. […] Our study demonstrated the successful implementation and use of an app with COVID-19 education, self-assessment, and a 7-day symptom diary. […] Data collected with the app were successfully applied to an interactive map.
32519963 Behaviors such as the number of locations visited, distance traveled, duration of phone usage, number of phone unlocks, sleep duration, and sedentary time were measured using the StudentLife smartphone sensing app.
32534175 A hypothetical three-part prevention, diagnostic, and treatment approach based on an up-to-date scientific literature review for COVID-19 is proposed. […] Regarding diagnosis, a validated screening questionnaire and digital app for COVID-19 could help identify individuals who are at risk of transmitting the disease, as well as those at highest risk for poor clinical outcomes.
32535511 652 Chinese citizens consented and completed a survey through an online questionnaire APP.
32536953 Francesco Finazzi and Alessandro Fassò use location data collected by an earthquake-monitoring app to gauge compliance with lockdown measures in Italy.
32541529 The app was developed to display which countries had higher travel risks and aid with the understanding of the outbreak situation.
32548597 This Preview summarizes the Ada Lovelace Institute rapid evidence review Exit through the App Store?
32559451 To maintain control of infection while also reducing disruption to populations, there is a need to understand what combination of measures-including novel digital tracing approaches and less intensive physical distancing-might be required to reduce transmission. […] We estimated that combined isolation and tracing strategies would reduce transmission more than mass testing or self-isolation alone: mean transmission reduction of 2% for mass random testing of 5% of the population each week, 29% for self-isolation alone of symptomatic cases within the household, 35% for self-isolation alone outside the household, 37% for self-isolation plus household quarantine, 64% for self-isolation and household quarantine with the addition of manual contact tracing of all contacts, 57% with the addition of manual tracing of acquaintances only, and 47% with the addition of app-based tracing only.
32568727 The system was built on a popular social media smartphone app called WeChat, which established two-way communication between a multi-disciplinary team consisting of seven medical workers and 188 home-quarantined individuals (including 74 confirmed COVID-19 patients). […] The results are useful for medical staff to identify disease progression, and hence, make appropriate and timely treatment decisions.
32568728 To this end, we integrated health observation items specific to COVID-19 with an existing PHR-based app. […] This study was conducted as a proof-of-concept study in a real-world setting to develop a PHR-based COVID-19 symptom tracking app, and to demonstrate practical use of health observations for COVID-19 using a smartphone/tablet app integrated with PHRs. […] We applied the PHR-based health observation app within an active epidemiological investigation conducted by Wakayama City Public Health Center. […] Email addresses are used by the app when a health observer sends data to the public health center. […] Each health observer downloads the app and installs it on their smartphone. […] Self-observed health data are entered daily into the app. […] These data are then sent via the app by email at a designated time. […] We used the app as part of an active epidemiological investigation executed at a Public Health Center. […] Among them, 57 had adopted the use of the health observation app. […] Before introduction of the app, all health observers would have been interviewed by telephone, a slow process that took four epidemiological officers more than 2 hours. […] After the introduction of the app, a single epidemiological officer can carry out health observations. […] The app was distributed for free beginning in early March, and by mid-May it had been used by more than 20,280 users and 400 facilities/organizations across Japan. […] Health observation by PHR for the purpose of improving health management can also be effectively applied as a measure against large-scale infectious diseases.
32574319 Considering the effect of the official quarantine regulations and travel restrictions for China, which began January 23~24, 2020, we used the daily travel intensity index from the Baidu Maps app to roughly simulate the level of restrictions and estimate the proportion of the quarantined population.
32594272 We advertised the program on a geospatial networking app and community partner websites targeting men who have sex with men; nine percent of web visits resulted in an order.
32601652 Our objective is to assess the potential contribution of the Australian Government’s mobile smartphone tracing app (COVIDSafe) to the sustained control of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). […] To define the pandemic context and specify model-building parameters, we searched for literature on COVID-19, its epidemiology in Australia, case finding processes, and factors that might affect community acceptance of the COVIDSafe smartphone app for contact tracing. […] We applied the model to examine factors influencing the projected trends: the extent of viral testing, community participation in social distancing, and the level of uptake of the COVIDSafe app. […] At the app uptake level of approximately 27% (current at 20 May 2020), with a monthly 50% reduction in social distancing (i.e. the average number of contacts per day doubling every 30 days until they reach pre-social distancing rates) and a 5% decline in testing, the app would reduce the projected total number of new cases during April-December 2020 by one-quarter. […] The COVIDSafe smartphone app has the potential to be an important adjunct to testing and social distancing. […] Depending on the level of community uptake of the app, it could have a significant mitigating effect on a second wave of COVID-19 in Australia.
32602361 There was significant heterogeneity in access to and confidence in using the Internet with 31% having never previously accessed the Internet, 48% confident using the Internet and 29% reporting no interest in accessing any component of PR through a Web-based app.
32602763 Synchronous (live interaction via What’s app and Zoom) and asynchronous (What’s app, emails) teledermatology models were used.
32604587 The government has also released an app for tracking the illness, which so far has been downloaded by approximately 1/4 of the population.
32609622 Mobile health (mHealth) app use is a major concern because of the possible dissemination of misinformation that could harm the users. […] Particularly, it can be difficult for health care professionals to recommend a suitable app for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) education and self-monitoring purposes. […] This study aims to analyze and evaluate the contents as well as features of COVID-19 mobile apps. […] The findings are instrumental in helping health care professionals to identify suitable mobile apps for COVID-19 self-monitoring and education. […] The results of the mobile apps’ assessment could potentially help mobile app developers improve or modify their existing mobile app designs to achieve optimal outcomes. […] The search for the mHealth apps available in the android-based Play Store and the iOS-based App Store was conducted between April 18 and May 5, 2020. […] The region of the App Store where we performed the search was the United States, and a virtual private network app was used to locate and access COVID-19 mobile apps from all countries on the Google Play Store. […] The inclusion criteria were apps that are related to COVID-19 with no restriction in language type. […] The basic features assessment criteria used for comparison were the requirement for free subscription, internet connection, education or advisory content, size of the app, ability to export data, and automated data entry. […] The functionality of the apps was assessed according to knowledge (information on COVID-19), tracing or mapping of COVID-19 cases, home monitoring surveillance, online consultation with a health authority, and official apps run by health authorities. […] Of the 223 COVID-19-related mobile apps, only 30 (19.9%) found in the App Store and 28 (44.4%) in the Play Store matched the inclusion criteria. […] In the basic features assessment, most App Store (10/30, 33.3%) and Play Store (10/28, 35.7%) apps scored 4 out of 7 points. […] Meanwhile, the outcome of the functionality assessment for most App Store apps (13/30, 43.3%) was a score of 3 compared to android-based apps (10/28, 35.7%), which scored 2 (out of the maximum 5 points). […] Evaluation of the basic functions showed that 75.0% (n=36) of the 48 included mobile apps do not require a subscription, 56.3% (n=27) provide symptom advice, and 41.7% (n=20) have educational content. […] In terms of the specific functions, more than half of the included mobile apps are official mobile apps maintained by a health authority for COVID-19 information provision. […] Around 37.5% (n=18) and 31.3% (n=15) of the mobile apps have tracing or mapping and home monitoring surveillance functions, respectively, with only 17% (n=8) of the mobile apps equipped with an online consultation function. […] Most iOS-based apps incorporate infographic mapping of COVID-19 cases, while most android-based apps incorporate home monitoring surveillance features instead of providing focused educational content on COVID-19. […] It is important to evaluate the contents and features of COVID-19 mobile apps to guide users in choosing a suitable mobile app based on their requirements.
32614777 Knowledge of the quantity and quality of apps related to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is lacking. […] In addition, no directory has been established listing all the apps developed to address the COVID-19 pandemic. […] The aim of this study was to identify smartphone apps designed to address the COVID-19 pandemic and to analyze their characteristics. […] We performed an observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study of all smartphone apps associated with COVID-19. […] Between April 27 and May 2, 2020, we searched the App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android) for COVID-19 apps. […] The apps were downloaded and evaluated. […] We identified 114 apps on the investigated platforms. […] Of the 114 apps, 37 (32.5%) were developed in Europe, 32 (28.1%) in Asia, and 30 (26.3%) in North America. […] The most common categories were health and well-being/fitness apps (41/114, 41.2%) and medicine apps (43/114, 37.7%). […] Of the 114 apps, 113 (99.1%) were free. […] Overall, 95 of the 114 apps (83.3%) were intended for the general population, 99 apps (7.9%) were intended for health professionals, and 3 apps (2.6%) were intended for both. […] Regarding the type of developer, 64/114 apps (56.1%) were developed by governments; 42/114 (64.1%) were developed by national governments, and 23/114 (35.9%) were developed by regional governments. […] The apps with the highest number of downloads (100,000+) were developed by governments (P=.13), except for the World Health Organization app (500,000+). […] The purposes of the apps available in Western languages (107/114, 93.9%) were determined; the most common purposes were general information about COVID-19 (66, 64.0%), COVID-19 news (53, 51.0%), recording of symptoms (53, 51.0%), and contact tracing (51, 47.7%). […] More than one purpose was identified for 99/107 apps (92.5%). […] This paper offers a comprehensive and unique review of all available COVID-19 apps. […] Governments have adopted these tools during the pandemic, and more than half of the apps were developed by government agencies. […] The most common purposes of the apps are providing information on the numbers of infected, recovered, and deceased patients, recording of symptoms, and contact tracing.
32629425 The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has caused an unprecedented worldwide public health crisis that requires new management approaches. […] COVIDApp is a mobile app that was adapted for the management of institutionalized individuals in long-term care facilities. […] COVIDApp was implemented in 196 care centers in collaboration with 64 primary care teams. […] COVIDApp can help clinicians rapidly detect and remotely monitor suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19 among institutionalized individuals, thus limiting the risk of spreading the virus.
32644122 This survey study assessed ophthalmologists and ophthalmic nurses in Wuhan, China, and Jiangxi, China, a province approximately 300 km south of Wuhan. […] The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Van Dream Anxiety Scale, and the Ocular Surface Disease Index were used to conduct questionnaire surveys via a messaging and social media app.
32646540 These included vaccination of the whole population using a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine having an efficacy of 50% and 100%, mass-testing for COVID-19 coronavirus and application of the Corona-Warn-App. […] Application of the Corona-Warn-App was the most effective method and more effective than testing for COVID-19. […] The methodology used has been described in detail to enable other researchers to apply the modified Bateman SIZ model to obtain predictions for COVID-19 outbreaks in other regions. […] Application of the model has been verified by independent investigators using different commercial software packages. […] Vaccination, diagnostic tests, and use of the Corona-Warn-App with quarantine could successfully control the spread of the coronavirus infection in the community. […] The Corona-Warn-App applied correctly may be the most effective.
32654021 We conducted a cross-sectional survey with a global sample of gay men and other MSM (n = 2732) from April 16, 2020 to May 4, 2020, through a social networking app.
32660568 The aim of this paper is to present a COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring and Contact Tracking Record (CoV-SCR) web-app as a bottom-up, proactive approach to supplement the current management strategies for COVID-19. […] The CoV-SCR web-app ( enables individuals to keep a personal record of their close contacts and monitor their symptoms on a daily basis, so that they can provide relevant and accurate details when they see the doctor and during the contact tracing process. […] In addition, this web-app consolidates evidence-based information on the coronavirus from credible sources, such as the World Health Organization, countries’ health authorities, and PubMed literature. […] A COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring and Contact Tracking web-app has been developed to facilitate contact tracing efforts through public engagement. […] This app serves an additional purpose of providing information about COVID-19 from reliable resources.
32682487 Contact tracing via conventional methods or mobile app technology is central to control strategies during de-escalation of physical distancing. […] The effect of minimising tracing delay (eg, with app-based technology) declines with decreasing coverage of app use, but app-based tracing alone remains more effective than conventional tracing alone even with 20% coverage, reducing the reproduction number by 17·6% compared with 2·5%. […] Optimising testing and tracing coverage and minimising tracing delays, for instance with app-based technology, further enhanced contact tracing effectiveness, with the potential to prevent up to 80% of all transmissions. […] Access to testing should therefore be optimised, and mobile app technology might reduce delays in the contact tracing process and optimise contact tracing coverage.
32693420 Although first modelling studies predicted a positive effect in terms of prompt contact tracing, no empirically reliable data are as yet available, neither on the population-wide benefit nor on the potential risks of contact tracing apps. […] Risk-benefit assessment of such an app includes investigating whether such an app fulfils its purpose, as also research on the effectiveness, risks and side effects, and implementation processes (e. g. planning and inclusion of different participants). […] The aim of this article was to give an overview of possible public health benefits as well as technical, social, legal and ethical aspects of a contact-tracing app in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. […] Furthermore, conditions for the widest possible use of the app are presented.
32695791 Analyses are publicly available at
32721922 It is becoming apparent that technological tools such as SMS text messages, web-based interventions, mobile interventions, and conversational agents can help ameliorate psychological distress in the workplace and in society. […] A mobile app search engine, App Annie, was used to determine if the identified mobile apps were commercially available. […] Of the 32 identified mobile interventions, 7 apps (22%) could be accessed. […] Of the 32 identified mobile interventions, 7 apps (22%) could be accessed.
32723816 By leveraging Google and Apple mobility data, we find empirical evidence for a link between global vehicle transportation declines and the reduction of ambient NO2 exposure. […] Explore trends here:
32730951 We created the Web-based application, PalliCOVID (, in April 2020 to provide all clinicians with convenient access to palliative care resources and support. […] User access data were collected and summarized by using Google Analytics software that had been integrated into the PalliCOVID Web application.
32734311 Mobile health apps are becoming increasingly popular amongst users who are turning to digital platforms to aid their mental wellbeing. […] (“Promoting Resilience Among College Student Veterans Through an Acceptance-and-Commitment-Therapy App: An Intervention Refinement Study”, 2020) the importance of repurposing their app to help these users to improve their emotional resilience and subsequently their ability to cope with the trauma of their experience. […] We have also discussed the most pertinent barriers to mobile health app uptake including data privacy concerns and the role of stigma.
32745512 We did a prospective, observational cohort study in the UK and the USA of the general community, including front-line health-care workers, using self-reported data from the COVID Symptom Study smartphone application (app) from March 24 (UK) and March 29 (USA) to April 23, 2020. […] Participants were voluntary users of the app and at first use provided information on demographic factors (including age, sex, race or ethnic background, height and weight, and occupation) and medical history, and subsequently reported any COVID-19 symptoms. […] The COVID Symptom Study app is registered with, NCT04331509.
32750010 The goal of this study was to develop, validate, and scale a clinical decision support system and mobile app to assist in COVID-19 severity assessment, management, and care. […] Our results demonstrate the validity of the clinical decision support system and mobile app, which are now ready to assist health care providers in making evidence-based decisions when managing COVID-19 patient care. […] The deployment of these new capabilities has potential for immediate impact in community clinics and sites, where application of these tools could lead to improvements in patient outcomes and cost containment.
32755882 To track and reduce the spread of COVID-19, apps have been developed to identify contact with individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 and warn those who are at risk of having contracted the virus. […] However, the effectiveness of these apps depends highly on their uptake by the general population. […] The present study investigated factors influencing app use intention, based on the health belief model. […] In total, 48.70% (n=730) of respondents indicated that they intend to use a COVID-19 tracing app. […] The most important predictor was the perceived benefits of the app, followed by self-efficacy and perceived barriers. […] Perceived severity and perceived susceptibility were not related to app uptake intention. […] Moreover, cues to action (ie, individuals’ exposure to [digital] media content) were positively associated with app use intention. […] As the respondents’ age increased, their perceived benefits and self-efficacy for app usage decreased. […] Initiatives to stimulate the uptake of contact tracing apps should enhance perceived benefits and self-efficacy. […] Therefore, when developing and launching an app, clarification on how individuals’ privacy will be protected is needed.
32759100 Current developments in several countries show that this measure can be technologically accompanied by mobile apps; meanwhile, privacy concerns are being intensively discussed. […] The aim of this study was to examine central cognitive variables that may constitute people’s motivations for social distancing, using an app, and providing health-related data requested by two apps that differ in their direct utility for the individual user. […] The results may increase our understanding of people’s concerns and convictions, which can then be specifically addressed by public-oriented communication strategies and appropriate political decisions. […] The quantitative survey included answers from 406 German-speaking participants who provided assessments of data security issues, trust components, and the processes of threat and coping appraisal related to the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection by social distancing. […] With respect to apps, one central focus was on the difference between a contact tracing app and a data donation app. […] Multiple regression analyses showed that the present model could explain 55% of the interindividual variance in the participants’ motivation for social distancing, 46% for using a contact tracing app, 42% for providing their own infection status to a contact tracing app, and 34% for using a data donation app. […] Several cognitive components of threat and coping appraisal were related to motivation measurements. […] Trust in other people’s social distancing behavior and general trust in official app providers also played important roles; however, the participants’ age and gender did not. […] Motivations for using and accepting a contact tracing app were higher than those for using and accepting a data donation app. […] This study revealed some important cognitive factors that constitute people’s motivation for social distancing and using apps to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. […] Concrete implications for future research, public-oriented communication strategies, and appropriate political decisions were identified and are discussed.
32759102 One exit strategy under consideration is a mobile phone app that traces the close contacts of those infected with COVID-19. […] However, concerns have been raised about such apps because of the potential privacy implications. […] This could limit the acceptability of app-based contact tracing in the general population. […] As the effectiveness of this approach increases strongly with app uptake, it is crucial to understand public support for this intervention. […] The objective of this study is to investigate the user acceptability of a contact-tracing app in five countries hit by the pandemic. […] We measured intentions to use a contact-tracing app across different installation regimes (voluntary installation vs automatic installation by mobile phone providers) and studied how these intentions vary across individuals and countries. […] We found strong support for the app under both regimes, in all countries, across all subgroups of the population, and irrespective of regional-level COVID-19 mortality rates. […] Epidemiological evidence shows that app-based contact tracing can suppress the spread of COVID-19 if a high enough proportion of the population uses the app and that it can still reduce the number of infections if uptake is moderate. […] Our findings show that the willingness to install the app is very high. […] The available evidence suggests that app-based contact tracing may be a viable approach to control the diffusion of COVID-19.
32768994 It is important that people with anxiety receive appropriate care, which in some cases may prove difficult due to mental health care delivery barriers such as cost, stigma, or distance from mental health services. […] A potential solution to this could be mobile mental health applications. […] The objective of this study is to provide an analysis of treatment and management-related functionality and characteristics of high-rated mobile applications (apps) for anxiety, which are available for Android and iOS systems. […] A broad search was performed in the Google Play Store and App Store following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) protocol to identify existing apps for anxiety. […] A set of free and highly rated apps for anxiety were identified and the selected apps were then installed and analyzed according to a predefined data extraction strategy. […] A total of 167 anxiety apps were selected (123 Android apps and 44 iOS apps). […] Besides anxiety, the selected apps addressed several health issues including stress, depression, sleep issues, and eating disorders. […] The apps adopted various treatment and management approaches such as meditation, breathing exercises, mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy. […] Results also showed that 51% of the selected apps used various gamification features to motivate users to keep using them, 32% provided social features including chat, communication with others and links to sources of help; 46% offered offline availability; and only 19% reported involvement of mental health professionals in their design. […] Anxiety apps incorporate various mental health care management methods and approaches. […] Apps can serve as promising tools to assist large numbers of people suffering from general anxiety or from anxiety disorders, anytime, anywhere, and particularly in the current COVID-19 pandemic.
32779002 The global impact of COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rapid development and utilization of mobile health applications. […] Here we provide an overview of mobile applications being currently utilized for COVID-19 and their assessment using the Mobile Application Rating Scale. […] We performed a systematic review of the literature and mobile platforms to assess mobile applications currently utilized for COVID-19, and a quality assessment of these applications using the Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS) for overall quality, Engagement, Functionality, Aesthetics, and Information. […] Finally, we provide an overview of the key salient features that should be included in mobile applications being developed for future use. […] Our search identified 63 apps that are currently being used for COVID-19. […] Of these, 25 were selected from the Google play store and Apple App store in India, and 19 each from the UK and US. 18 apps were developed for sharing up to date information on COVID-19, and 8 were used for contact tracing while 9 apps showed features of both. […] On MARS Scale, overall scores ranged from 2.4 to 4.8 with apps scoring high in areas of functionality and lower in Engagement. […] Future steps should involve developing and testing of mobile applications using assessment tools like the MARS scale and the study of their impact on health behaviours and outcomes.
32782765 In this truly unprecedented situation, the clinical management of neuromuscular patients during the COVID-19 epidemics - taking into account the related difficulties (patients who have suspended ERT, difficulty in contacting the doctors, etc.) - we propose to use a telemedicine device, i.e. the AIGkit application (AIGkit app), promoted and developed in 2018 by Fabrizio Seidita on behalf of the Italian Glycogenosis Association (AIG). […] The app was born to allow patients with Pompe disease to receive as far as possible continuous monitoring of their health.
32791493 To determine the distribution pattern of COVID-19 symptoms as well as possible unreported symptoms, we created an app-based self-reporting tool. […] The COVID-19 Symptom Tracker is an app-based daily self-reporting tool. […] Between April 8 and May 15, 2020, a total of 22,327 individuals installed this app on their mobile device.
32795985 Of the many medical apps currently available, none monitor gingivitis. […] This study aimed to present a characterization and development model of a mobile health (mHealth) app called iGAM, which focuses on periodontal health and improves the information flow between dentists and patients. […] A focus group discussed the potential of an app to monitor gingivitis, and 3 semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted on the use of apps for monitoring gum infections. […] We used a qualitative design process based on the Agile approach, which incorporated the following 5 steps: (1) user story, (2) use cases, (3) functional requirements, (4) nonfunctional requirements, and (5) Agile software development cycles. […] All participants in the focus group believed in the potential of a mobile app to monitor gingivitis and reduce its severity. […] The 5 cycles of development highlighted the importance of communication between dentists, app developers, and the pilot group. […] Qualitative analysis of the data from the pilot study showed difficulty with: (1) the camera, which was alleviated with the provision of mouth openers, and (2) the operation of the phone, which was alleviated by changing the app to be fully automated, with a weekly reminder and an instructions document. […] Final interviews showed satisfaction. iGAM is the first mHealth app for monitoring gingivitis using self-photography. iGAM facilitates the information flow between dentists and patients between checkups and may be useful when face-to-face consultations are not possible (such as during the COVID-19 pandemic).
32795998 Smartphone-based contact tracing apps can contribute to reducing COVID-19 transmission rates and thereby support countries emerging from lockdowns as restrictions are gradually eased. […] The primary objective of our study is to determine the potential uptake of a contact tracing app in the Dutch population, depending on the characteristics of the app. […] Individual-level uptake probabilities were calculated based on the individual-level preference estimates and subsequently aggregated into the sample as well as subgroup-specific contact tracing app adoption rates. […] The predicted app adoption rates ranged from 59.3% to 65.7% for the worst and best possible contact tracing app, respectively. […] The most realistic contact tracing app had a predicted adoption of 64.1%. […] For example, the adoption rates of the most realistic app ranged from 45.6% to 79.4% for people in the oldest and youngest age groups (ie, ≥75 years vs 15-34 years), respectively. […] A secure and privacy-respecting contact tracing app with the most realistic characteristics can obtain an adoption rate as high as 64% in the Netherlands. […] The main challenge will be to increase the uptake among older adults, who are least inclined to install and use a COVID-19 contact tracing app.
32800093 The pandemic is predicted to have disappeared by the end of 2024. […] There are several important assumptions necessary to apply the model and thus the results must be interpreted with caution. […] The model, previously used to predict the course of the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Heidelberg (pop. 166,000) gives comparable predictive data for the whole of Germany (pop. 83 million) and thus appears to be both sensitive and robust. […] Taking into consideration that a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is not yet available and the efficacy of the Corona-Warn-App has yet to be shown, a relaxation in the lockdown conditions in Germany in 2020 appears premature.
32801208 Accordingly, we present an R Shiny app that facilitates updating these estimates as new data become available.
32817409 We suggest that there is a possible alternative: a mandatory, centralised contact-tracing app. […] Although this type of contact-tracing app has its drawbacks, we contend that this measure warrants serious consideration.
32818035 A theoretical model was used in which one million people accessed the mobile application CoronApp-Colombia, which collects personal data, signs, symptoms and epidemiological links compatible with COVID-19. […] With the information from the app artificial intelligence techniques (data science) were applied in a virtual situation room.
32832740 This app has the potential to improve the mortality for COVID-19.
32834684 The use of smartphone applications (apps) to acquire real time and readily available journey planning information is becoming instinctive behavior by public transport (PT) users. […] Through the apps, a passenger not only seeks a path from origin to destination, but a satisfactory path that caters to the passenger’s preferences at the desired time of travel. […] Essentially, apps attempt to provide a means of personalized PT service. […] This work establishes a personalized PT service, as an adjustment to current design frameworks, by integrating user app experience with operators’ data sources and operations modeling. […] However, a direct application of Weber’s law violates the axiom of transitivity required for an implementable algorithm, and thus, a revised method is developed with proven algorithms for ranking different paths. […] The latter may apply for the future with a mixture of specified and default preference input values. […] Finally, the computation time indicates a favorable potential for real-life applications.
32835311 The focus of this Preview is “The Coronavirus (Safeguards) Bill 2020: Proposed protections for digital interventions and in relation to immunity certificates,” published by Lilian Edwards, professor of law, innovation and society at Newcastle Law School and a member of the NHSX Ethical Advisory Board (CV19 App).
32836636 Contact tracing apps are presented as a solution, if not the solution, to curb pandemics in the Covid-19 crisis. […] In France, despite heated public institutional debate on privacy related issues, the app was presented by government as an essential benefit for protecting health and lives, thus avoiding both politicians and citizens to feel morally responsible and looking guilty, and as essential to recover our freedom to move. […] However we argue that, while detection of cases have still not been reported after 10 days and one million app downloads - a situation comparable to Australia who launched its app a month before -, the adoption of the app generates important risks to our informational privacy, surveillance and habituation to security policies. […] Finally the smartphone app against covid epidemics appears as an extreme case of the privacy paradox where the government plays on the immediate benefits and downplays long-term concerns while inducing a technology of self. […] Contact tracing apps may become an emblematic case for digital transformation and value changes in the western world.
32838002 Recently, for the second phase of prevention of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is being assumed the use of an app for the prevention of infections COVID-19. […] The utility of these apps is not yet proven and the apps for COVID-19 contact-tracing probably cannot be used as a preventive tool until the bioethics and legal issues related to their use are resolved.
32839734 Building on the prior work on cough-based diagnosis of respiratory diseases, we propose, develop and test an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered screening solution for COVID-19 infection that is deployable via a smartphone app. […] The app, named AI4COVID-19 records and sends three 3-s cough sounds to an AI engine running in the cloud, and returns a result within 2 min.
32845852 We developed and pilot tested Hospital Epidemics Tracker (HEpiTracker), a newly designed app to track the spread of COVID-19 among hospital workers. […] Hospital staff in 9 hospital centers across 5 Spanish regions (Andalusia, Balearics, Catalonia, Galicia, and Madrid) were invited to download the app on their phones and to register their daily body temperature, COVID-19-compatible symptoms, and general health score, as well as any polymerase chain reaction and serological test results.
32846780 The psychological disorders and stress level were assessed via a questionnaire implemented by the mobile app.
32849110 Using data from a national physical activity tracking app (PAC app), we aimed to determine device-measured physical activity levels immediately prior to and following the implementation of physical distancing measures in Canada to provide evidence for the development of physical activity recommendations for future pandemics or second wave infections. […] Methods: Demographic and physical activity data were extracted from the ParticipACTION app (PAC app), using a 10-week (10 February to 19 April 2020) quasi-experimental design to determine changes in physical activity 4 weeks pre-pandemic and 6 weeks post-pandemic declaration. […] Weekly physical activity levels were monitored through wearable fitness trackers and health apps linked to the PAC app, to record moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), light physical activity (LPA), and steps.
32852513 To beta test a secure teleophthalmology mobile app at military treatment facilities in Afghanistan. […] Users placed teleophthalmology consults on their mobile phone using the mobile eye care app, and an expeditionary ophthalmologist stationed at a military hospital in Afghanistan responded. […] Users graded the mobile app using a rating scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied. […] While only a limited number of consults were evaluated, this study suggests that teleophthalmology mobile phone apps may improve and extend ophthalmic care in combat zones.
32862396 As of May 30, 2020, a total of 84 568 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been recorded in China, with a mortality rate of approximately 5.5%. […] This condition is due to the establishment of an “Internet +” diagnosis and treatment model based on online medical application (APP), telemedicine, WeChat service, and consultation hotline in Taizhou.
32863607 Two criteria, (i) digitally connected healthcare centres, waste disposal firms and pollution control board, and (ii) providing a pollution control board’s feedback app to public and other stakeholders, feature as strong reasons for a smart healthcare waste disposal system.
32865585 Using a variety of both web-based and app-based virtual platforms, a nationally accredited fellowship program converted traditional in-seat learning modalities to elearning platforms using both synchronous and asynchronous education.
32877349 As an example, the messenger app WhatsApp was adopted by both the World Health Organization and government agencies to provide updates on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). […] In this study, we sought to accomplish the following: (1) assess well-being during the pandemic; (2) replicate prior findings linking exposure to COVID-19 news with psychological distress; and (3) examine whether subscription to an official WhatsApp channel can mitigate this risk. […] As predictor variables, participants also answered questions pertaining to the following: (1) their exposure to COVID-19 news; (2) their use of the Singapore government’s WhatsApp channel; and (3) their demographics. […] Depression scores were associated with increased time spent receiving COVID-19 updates, whereas use of the official WhatsApp channel emerged as a protective factor (b=-0.07, t[863]=-2.04, P=.04). […] Similarly, increased anxiety scores were associated with increased exposure to both updates and rumors, but this risk was mitigated by trust in the government’s WhatsApp messages (b=-0.05, t[863]=-2.13, P=.03). […] Finally, although stress symptoms increased with the amount of time spent receiving updates, these symptoms were not significantly related to WhatsApp use. […] Our findings suggest that messenger apps may be an effective medium for disseminating pandemic-related information, allowing official agencies to reach a broad sector of the population rapidly.
32877352 We derived nine features on a daily basis including time spent at home, maximum distance travelled from home, the maximum number of Bluetooth-enabled nearby devices (as a proxy for physical distancing), step count, average heart rate, sleep duration, bedtime, phone unlock duration, and social app use duration. […] People were more active on their phones (P<.001 for italy spain and the united kingdom spending more time using social media apps netherlands particularly around major news events. radar-base may be a viable approach to implementing an early warning system passively assessing local compliance interventions in epidemics pandemics could help countries ease out of lockdown.> </.001>
32880330 The QR code is synced to one of the many free online medical notes smartphone applications (apps), which are password-protected with patient information privacy regulations (Trello is used at TBH), for daily medical notes review and editing. […] Doing this means that a patient will have a virtual online file through the designated app until discharge, when a physical file will be made for storage and safekeeping.
32880577 The system included a Polar H10 (Polar Canada) Bluetooth heart rate monitor, a no-cost mobile phone app (VR Health Exercise Tracker [Virtual Reality Institute of Health and Exercise]), and 13 games. […] Exercise duration, intensity, and calories expended were objectively monitored and recorded during exercise using the heart rate monitor and a mobile app.
32880584 Of these projects, 46% (23/51) used technology for conducting research, 30% (15/51) used technology for implementation, and 12% (6/51) used technology for app development.
32887338 Understanding this variance amongst different sectors of society and modelling this will enable the different levels of risk to be determined to enable strategies to be applied to different groups. […] To overcome the limitation of long-established compartmental epidemiological models, it is proposed that a modified model, namely SEIR-v, through which the population is separated into two groups regarding their vulnerability to SARS-CoV-2 is applied. […] This enables the analysis of the spread of the epidemic when different contention measures are applied to different groups in society regarding their vulnerability to the disease. […] One option could be the provision of a wristband to vulnerable people and those without a smartphone and contact-tracing app, filling the gap created by systems relying on smartphone apps only. […] By combining very dense contact tracing data from smartphone apps and wristband signals with information about infection status and symptoms, vulnerable people can be protected and kept safer.
32887994 The aim was to develop anon-demand app-based heart rate and rhythm monitoring infrastructure to allow appropriatmanagement of AF through teleconsultation. […] The TeleCheck-AF approach guarantees the continuity of comprehensive AF management and supports integrated care through teleconsultation during COVID-19. […] It incorporates three important components: (i) a structured teleconsultation (‘Tele’), (ii) a CE-marked app-based on-demand heart rate and rhythm monitoring infrastructure (‘Check’), and (iii) comprehensive AF management (‘AF’). […] In this article, we describe the components and implementation of the TeleCheck-AF approach in an integrated and specialized AF-clinic through teleconsultation. […] The TeleCheck-AF approach is currently implemented in numerous European centres during COVID-19.
32891063 University staff posted the study invitation flyer on social media, such as WhatsApp neighbourhood groups, the Nextdoor App and Twitter.
32912236 Fast point-of-care (POC) diagnostics represent an unmet medical need and include applications such as lateral flow assays (LFAs) for the diagnosis of sepsis and consequences of cytokine storms and for the treatment of COVID-19 and other systemic, inflammatory events not caused by infection. […] Conventional LFAs, such as gold nanoparticle dyed assays, are limited to approximately five targets-the maximum number of test lines on an assay. […] For image and data processing, a customized software tool, the MultiFlow-Shiny app was used to accelerate and simplify the readout process. […] The app software provides advanced tools for image processing, including assisted extraction of line intensities, advanced background correction and an easy workflow for creation and handling of experimental data in quantitative LFAs. […] The results generated with our MultiFlow-Shiny app were superior to those generated with the popular software ImageJ and resulted in lower detection limits. […] Our assay is applicable for detecting clinically relevant ranges of both target proteins and therefore may serve as a powerful tool for POC diagnosis of inflammation and infectious events.
32913633 The best way to ensure that preterm infants benefit from relevant neonatal expertise as soon as they are born is to transfer the mother and baby to an appropriately specialised neonatal facility before birth (" in utero"). […] The final section of the review explores new approaches to reforming the in utero transfer process, including learning from outside the UK and changing policy and guidelines. […] Reforming the transfer process can also be aided through technology, such as utilising the CotFinder app.
32915815 We precisely propose such a data-driven approach implemented in a publicly available web app timely providing mortality curves comparisons and real-time short-term forecasts for about 100 countries. […] Here, the approach is applied to compare the mortality trajectories of second-line and front-line European countries facing the COVID-19 epidemic wave.
32926160 This study aims to investigate changes in U.S. residents’ PA during (vs. before) the Covid-19 pandemic and predictors of changes, with a focus on PA smartphone applications (apps) and their features (i.e., motivational, educational, or gamification related). […] PA app use and app feature ratings were assessed. t-tests and regression analyses were conducted. […] Controlling for PA before lockdown and individuals’ PA intentions, PA app use was positively related to overall change in PA, measured in MET minutes per week (β = 15.68, standard error = 7.84, p < .05). […] PA decreased less with increasing app use frequency. […] When app features were added to the model, a buffering effect for gamification features was identified. […] The use of PA apps may help buffer the decline, and gamification-related app features may be particularly helpful in this context.
32926871 To be used for clinical pulse oximetry the embedded PPG system must be paired with an App and meet FDA and ISO requirements. […] We evaluated whether this smartphone sensor with App met FDA/ISO requirements and how measurements obtained using this system compared to hospital reference devices across a wide range of persons. […] We performed laboratory testing addressing ISO and FDA requirements in ten participants using the smartphone sensor with App. […] Clinical comparison of the smartphone sensor with App versus hospital reference devices determined SpO2 and heart rate (HR) accuracy was 0.48 % points (CI 0.38 to 0.58; p<0.001) and 0.73 bpm (CI 0.33 to 1.14; p<0.001) respectively; with SpO2 and HR precision 1.25 versus reference 0.95 points (p< 0.001) and 5.99 versus reference 3.80 bpm (p<0.001), respectively. […] These small differences were similar to the variation found between two FDA approved reference instruments for SpO2: accuracy 0.52 points (CI 0.41 to 0.64; p<0.001) and precision 1.01 versus 0.86 (p<0.001). […] Our findings support the application for full FDA/ISO approval of the smartphone sensor with App tested for use in clinical pulse oximetry. […] Given the immense and immediate practical medical importance of remote intermittent clinical pulse oximetry to both chronic disease management and the global ability to respond to respiratory viral pandemics, the smartphone sensor with APP should be prioritized and fast tracked for FDA/ ISO approval to allow clinical use.
32931439 WeChat Index is a data service that shows how frequently a specific keyword appears in posts, subscriptions, and search over the last 90 days on WeChat, the most popular Chinese social media app. […] WeChat may offer a new approach for the early detection of disease outbreaks.
32936769 The Android version of the app was developed in the Java and XML languages using Android Studio version 3.6, and the iOS version was developed in the Swift language using Xcode version 11.5. […] The app was evaluated externally by the Andalusian Agency for Healthcare Quality. […] A website in three different languages (Spanish, English, and Portuguese) and a mobile app were developed with these contents, and the AppSaludable Quality Seal was granted to the app. […] The Be + against COVID platform (website and app) was developed and launched to offer a pool of recommendations and support resources, which were specifically designed to protect the psychological well-being and the work morale of health care workers.
32936773 VA Video Connect (VVC) is a video conferencing app that enables veterans to connect with their health care provider via a secure and private session. […] Participants were interviewed over the phone and responses to the following items were recorded: availability of internet, email, and an electronic device with a camera; veterans’ willingness to complete an appointment via a VVC visit; and availability of assistance from a caregiver for those who were unable to participate in a VVC visit alone.
32938901 This study compared outcomes in patients with STEMI who had percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and the use of a telemedicine app from August 2019 to March 2020 at a single center in Beijing, China. […] The 2 groups were further divided into patients who used the app for consulting and those who did not. […] Patients who used the app had shorter SCT, DTB, and TIT before and after the pandemic compared to those who did not. […] However, there was no significant difference in short-term adverse clinical outcomes between patients who used the app and those who did not before and after the pandemic. […] The difference in short-term adverse clinical outcomes was not statistically significant between patients who used the app and those who did not.
32944361 In this work, the performance of a non-contact OSA screener App that can run on both Apple and Android smartphones is presented. […] The subtle breathing patterns of a person in bed can be measured via a smartphone using the “Firefly” app technology platform [and underpinning software development kit (SDK)], which utilizes advanced digital signal processing (DSP) technology and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to identify detailed sleep stages, respiration rate, snoring, and OSA patterns. […] The system was trained on a set of 128 overnights recorded at a sleep laboratory, where volunteers underwent simultaneous full polysomnography (PSG), and “Firefly” smartphone app analysis. […] A separate independent test set of 120 recordings was collected across a range of Apple iOS and Android smartphones, and withheld for performance evaluation by a different team. […] The performance on the test set is comparable to ambulatory OSA screeners, and other smartphone screening apps, with a sensitivity of 88.3% and specificity of 80.0% [with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area under the curve (AUC) of 0.92], for a clinical threshold for the AHI of ≥15 events/hour of detected sleep time. […] The “Firefly” app based sensing technology offers the potential to significantly lower the barrier of entry to OSA screening, as no hardware (other than the user’s personal smartphone) is required.
32946805 Online survey administered to the attendees to an online congress organised via the Telegram® Messenger App.
32954015 Methods: Here, we use two mobile phone-based datasets (anonymised and aggregated crowd level data from O2 and from the Facebook app on mobile phones) to assess changes in average mobility, both overall and broken down into high and low population density areas, and changes in the distribution of journey lengths.
32954020 This report describes a case of first-time intracerebral hemorrhage in a patient with APP gene duplication during SARS-CoV-2 infection, a typically pro-thrombotic and pro-inflammatory condition, as a possible trigger for this condition.
32961527 This study used data from three digital health tools on the K Health app: a protocol-based COVID-19 self-assessment, an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven symptom checker, and communication with remote physicians.
32969340 The objectives of this study were to assess the psychological effects of the lockdown due to the COVID-19 outbreak on university students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and to investigate the students’ awareness of mobile mental health care apps as well as their attitudes toward the use of these apps. […] The first part of the questionnaire assessed the mental state of the participants using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), while the second part contained questions investigating the participants’ awareness of and attitudes toward mental health care apps. […] The results also revealed a lack of awareness of mental health care apps and uncertainty regarding the use of such apps. […] Approximately one-third of the participants (44/154, 28.6%) suggested preferred functionalities and characteristics of mobile mental health care apps, such as affordable price, simple design, ease of use, web-based therapy, communication with others experiencing the same issues, and tracking of mental status. […] Although apps can be useful tools for mental health care delivery, especially in circumstances such as those produced by the outbreak, the students in this study showed a lack of awareness of these apps and mixed attitudes toward them. […] Improving the digital health literacy of university students in the UAE by increasing their awareness of mental health care apps and the treatment methods and benefits of the apps, as well as involving students in the app creation process, may encourage students to use these tools for mental health care.
32972313 Previous studies have shown mobile apps to have positive effects on PTSD symptoms, but few apps have been examined systematically. […] This pilot study evaluated the perceived effectiveness and usability of Mindset, a novel mobile app that monitors user stress level via heart rate to encourage e-therapy use. […] They used the Mindset app and associated smartwatch until their approximate 1-month follow-up. […] These findings highlight mHealth apps such as Mindset as potentially useful tools for PTSD and depression symptom management.
32979294 Intervention-group participants chose to use either a commercially available mindfulness app (10-20 min/day) or a webinar-based mindfulness course for 6 weeks. […] Nearly all participants chose the mindfulness app over the webinar-based program. […] Among the participants in the intervention arm who chose the mobile-app program and completed the postintervention (6-week) survey, 21 (68%) patients and 7 (47%) caregivers practiced mindfulness at least 50% of the days during the 6-week study period.
32991303 Mental health and well-being apps represent a scalable approach for improving psychological outcomes in young people and have potential to improve the equity of service access. […] The Whitu: 7 Ways in 7 Days well-being app was recently developed by our group to address the urgent need for innovative approaches to reach young New Zealanders who are struggling to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. […] The aim of this study is twofold: to evaluate the acceptability of the prototype app and to examine the effectiveness of the refined app at improving mental and emotional well-being and reducing depression, anxiety, and stress in young people in New Zealand. […] During the first phase, 20 young people aged 16-30 years (including those of Māori and Pacific ethnicity) will participate in a qualitative study to help refine the prototype app. […] During the second phase, 90 young people aged 16-30 years will participate in a randomized waitlist-controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the efficacy of the refined Whitu app at 4 weeks and 3 months after baseline. […] The study received ethics approval in May 2020, and recruitment for the focus groups commenced in June 2020. […] There is an urgent need to develop culturally appropriate, scalable mental health interventions to address the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. […] In this study, we will develop and test an evidence-based well-being app that, if effective, can be made available to all young people in New Zealand and internationally.
32997640 The aim of this study is to explore the added value of mobile phone app-based symptom assessment tools as real-time health insight providers to inform public health policy makers. […] A comparative and descriptive analysis of the proportion of all self-reported symptoms entered by users during an assessment within the Ada app in Germany and the United Kingdom was conducted between two periods, namely before and after the implementation of “Phase One” COVID-19 measures. […] Symptom assessment apps have an important role to play in facilitating improved understanding of the implications of public health policies such as COVID-19 lockdown measures.
32997724 We report on the results of a Covid-19 contact tracing app measurement study carried out on a standard design of European commuter tram. […] We applied the detection rules used by the Italian, Swiss and German apps to our measurement data and also characterised the impact on performance of changes in the parameters used in these detection rules.
33006944 Singapore launched the first Bluetooth-based contact tracing app- “TraceTogether” in March 2020 to augment its contact tracing capabilities. […] This study aims to compare the performance of the contact tracing app-“TraceTogether” with a wearable tag-based Real-Time Locating System and validate them against the Electronic Medical Records at the National Centre for Infectious Disease (NCID), the national referral center for COVID-19 screening. […] Eighteen physicians deployed to NCID’s screening center from May 10-19, 2020 activated the “TraceTogether” app on their smartphones during shifts and urged patients to whom they medically attended to use the app. […] Given the uncertainty on the adoption and capabilities of contact tracing apps, policy makers should be cautioned against the over-reliance on such apps for contact tracing.
33008680 M-Health (apps) could be a solution in this setting to evaluate a COVID-19 diagnosis. […] The aim of this study was to describe which COVID-19s apps are available in Spain. […] We made a review of the diagnosis apps and websites of the different regions of Spain. […] We described the different characteristics of each app. […] We analyzed 6 apps, 5 corresponding to Autonomous Communities and one from the Ministry of Health, as well as 4 website test from the respectively health region. […] Although the COVID-19 Spanish crisis have been lead from the Ministry of Health, it has been detected different methods to apply m-Health though the multiple Spanish regions.
33009009 Cross-sectional descriptive study using an app-based survey. […] A link to the survey was sent via email to users of the Ovia Pregnancy app on May 20, 2020 and was open for 1 week. […] Participants were asked to complete the survey as it applied to their pregnancy, breastfeeding, and maternity care received during the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning approximately February 2020 through the time of the survey.
33013191 More recently, as restrictions begin to be loosened or lifted entirely, the use of so-called contact tracing apps has figured prominently in many jurisdictions’ plans to reopen society. […] However, little has been said about the ways in which the normative design choices of app developers, and the products that result therefrom, might contribute to ethical reflection and wider political debate. […] Drawing from scholarship in critical design and human-computer interaction, this paper examines the development of a QR code-based tracking app called Zwaai (‘Wave’ in Dutch), where its designers explicitly positioned the app as an alternative to the predominant Bluetooth and GPS-based approaches.
33017171 To diminish the risk of spreading COVID-19 as society exits the lockdowns, several apps have been developed for contact tracing. […] These apps register which users have been in proximity of each other. […] If a user is diagnosed with COVID-19, app users who have been recently in proximity to this person are notified. […] The effectiveness of these apps highly depends on public support. […] Therefore, this study investigated the factors that influence app use intention, based on an extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model. […] Our results indicated that 48.70 percent of the respondents wanted to use the app. […] The model explained 39 percent of the variance in app use intention. […] Moreover, individuals’ innovativeness was positively related with app use intention, whereas app-related privacy concerns negatively influenced intention.
33030259 As a possible solution to improve remote AF care through teleconsultation, we introduce the on-demand TeleCheck-AF mHealth approach that allows remote app-based assessment of heart rate and rhythm around teleconsultations, which has been developed and implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe.
33030379 This article describe the development of a mobile app-Juzo Care-designed to enhance the management of chronic oedema and lymphoedema in mobile working settings.
33035674 By implementing the approach of self-reporting using automatic text-messages and web-app, the percentage of health status updates from self-reporting increased from 22.5% to 61.5%.
33048826 App-based contact tracing has the potential to optimise the resources of overstretched public health departments. […] We aimed to identify the proportion of people who had downloaded the Australian Government COVIDSafe app and examine the reasons why some did not. […] Objective: To investigate uptake of the Australian Government’s COVIDSafe app amongst Australians and examine reasons for why some did not. […] Of survey participants, 37% had downloaded the COVIDSafe app, 19% intended to, 28% refused, and 16% were undecided. […] Equally proportioned reasons for not downloading the app included privacy (25%) and technical concerns (24%). […] Other reasons included a belief that social distancing was sufficient and the app is unnecessary (16%), distrust in the Government (11%), and apathy (11%). […] Conclusion: For the COVIDSafe app to be accepted by the public and used correctly, public health messages need to address the concerns of its citizens, specifically privacy, data storage, and technical capabilities. […] Understanding the specific barriers preventing the uptake of tracing apps provides the opportunity to design targeted communication strategies aimed at strengthening public health initiatives such as download and correct use.
33063226 Many countries have developed novel software applications (Apps) in an effort to augment traditional contact tracing methods. […] Conduct a national survey of the Irish population to examine barriers and levers to the use of a contact tracing App. […] Adult participants were invited to respond via an online survey weblink sent via e-mail and messaging Apps and posted on our university website and on popular social media platforms, prior to launch of the national App solution. […] Fifty-four percent of respondents said they would definitely download a contact-tracing App, while 30% said they would probably download a contact tracing App. […] Ninety-five percent of respondents identified at least one reason for them to download such an App, with the most common reasons being the potential for the App to help family members and friends and a sense of responsibility to the wider community. […] Fifty-nine percent identified at least one reason not to download the App, with the most common reasons being fear that technology companies or the government might use the App technology for greater surveillance after the pandemic. […] The Irish citizens surveyed expressed high levels of willingness to download a public health-backed App to augment contact tracing. […] Concerns raised regarding privacy and data security will be critical if the App is to achieve the large-scale adoption and ongoing use required for its effective operation.
33064642 A combination of a finger-prick blood sample and a smart-phone app, the test is designed to detect the presence of antibodies to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19.
33068424 The COVID-19 pandemic has ignited wider clinical adoption of digital health tools, including mobile health apps (mHealth apps), to address mental and behavioral health concerns at a distance. […] While mHealth apps offer many compelling benefits, identifying effective apps in the crowded and largely unregulated marketplace is laborious. […] Consumer demand and industry productivity are increasing, although research is slower, making it challenging for providers to determine the most credible and safe apps for patients in need. […] This commentary offers a practical, empirically guided framework and associated resources for selecting appropriate mHealth apps for pediatric populations during the pandemic and beyond. […] In the first stage, Narrow the target problem, end user, and contender apps. […] Beginning the search with continuously updated websites that contain expert app ratings can help expedite this process (e.g., Psyberguide). […] Second, Explore each contender app’s: (a) scientific and theoretical support (e.g., are app components consistent with health behavior change theories?), (b) privacy policies, and (c) user experience (e.g., through crowdsourcing feedback about app usability and appeal via social media). […] Third, use clinical expertise and stakeholder feedback to Contextualize whether the selected app is a good fit for a particular patient and/or caregiver (e.g., by considering age, race/ethnicity, ability, gender, sexual orientation, technology access), including conducting a brief self-pilot of the app. […] We offer additional recommendations for rapidly disseminating evidence-based apps to the public.
33068628 We undertook enzyme linked immunosorbent assay characterisation of IgM and IgG responses against SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and nucleocapsid protein of 431 unselected general-population participants of the TwinsUK cohort from South-East England, aged 19-86 (median age 48; 85% female). 382 participants completed prospective logging of 14 COVID-19 related symptoms via the COVID Symptom Study App, allowing consideration of serology alongside individual symptoms, and a predictive algorithm for estimated COVID-19 previously modelled on PCR positive individuals from a dataset of over 2 million. […] Specificity of anosmia for seropositivity was 95%, compared to 88% for fever cough and anosmia combined. 34 individuals in the cohort were predicted to be Covid-19 positive using the App algorithm, and of those, 18 (52%) were seropositive.
33073061 Mobile health applications (apps) can be used as part of the telehealth encounter to monitor patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and enhance patient-provider communication. . […] Apps were included if they incorporated a symptom tracking function that could allow patients with cancer to record symptoms and PROs. […] Apps were evaluated using the mobile apps rating scale, which includes engagement, functionality, aesthetics, information, and app subjective quality. […] The initial search yielded 1189 apps, with 101 apps eligible after title and description screening. […] A total of 41 apps met eligibility criteria and were included in this study. […] The majority of apps (73%, n = 30) were general health/pain symptom trackers, and 27% (n = 11) were cancer-specific. […] The app quality mean scores assessed using the mobile apps rating scale ranged from 2.43 to 4.23 (out of 5.00). […] Only 1 app has been trialed for usability among patients with cancer. […] Although various symptom tracking apps are available, cancer-specific apps remain limited. […] Future collaboration between oncologists, app developers, and patients to optimize PRO assessment and integration with telehealth/telemedicine encounters to increase symptom recognition and enhance patient-provider communication is urgently needed.
33078140 The programme was first rolled out on the Isle of Wight and included version 1 of the NHS contact tracing app.
33080151 We recruited 600 medical staff from the radiology departments of 32 public hospitals in Sichuan Province, China, to evaluate perceived stress scores via a mobile app-based questionnaire.
33082856 Since there is no official tele-health or e-health system established in hospitals, we decided to use Viber, a free text and call app to trace and provide information about patient admission and treatment schedule.
33083514 Therefore, new interdisciplinary prevention approaches (eg, outdoor exercise; app-based exercise with online partners) are urgently needed that account for the suspected long-term lifestyle changes that the current-and upcoming-pandemics are likely to entail (increased use of home office, social isolation, avoidance of fitness centers and club sports, and so on).
33096026 We mapped 219 molecular features with high significance to COVID-19 status and severity, many of which were involved in complement activation, dysregulated lipid transport, and neutrophil activation. […] We present a web-based tool ( enabling interactive exploration of our compendium and illustrate its utility through a machine learning approach for prediction of COVID-19 severity.
33100183 The COVID-19 telemedicine system consisted of: a) mobile app, which redirects to teleconsultations if indicated; b) telemonitoring system, with regular phone calls to suspected/confirmed COVID-19 cases to monitor progression; c) emergency ambulance system (EAS), with internet phone triage and counselling.
33102672 We describe a COVID-19 PoCT Serology PT program supported by a mobile phone App. […] The App is described, and the advantages made explicit. […] This App suggests that the way that PoCT EQA/PT programs may be deployed in the future.
33107832 Self-help smartphone apps offer a new opportunity to address youth suicide prevention by improving access to support and by providing potentially high fidelity and cost-effective treatment. […] However, there have been very few smartphone apps providing evidence-based support for suicide prevention in this population. […] To address this gap, we developed the LifeBuoy app, a self-help smartphone app informed by dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), to help young people manage suicidal thoughts in their daily life. […] This study describes the protocol for a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of the LifeBuoy app for reducing suicidal thoughts and behaviors, depression, anxiety, and psychological distress, and improving general mental well-being in young adults aged 18 to 25 years. […] This is a randomized controlled trial recruiting 378 young adults aged between 18 and 25 years and comparing the LifeBuoy app with a matched attention control (a placebo app with the same display but no DBT components). […] The changes in the levels of insomnia, rumination, suicide cognitions, distress tolerance, loneliness, and help seeking before and after using the app are evaluated in this study. […] A qualitative interview about user experience with the LifeBuoy app will take place within 4 weeks of the final assessment. […] To minimize risks, participants will receive a call from the team clinical psychologist by clicking a help button in the app or responding to an automated email sent by the system when they are assessed with elevated suicide risks at the baseline, postintervention, and 3-month follow-up surveys. […] This is the first trial examining the efficacy of a DBT-informed smartphone app delivered to community-living young adults reporting suicidal thoughts. […] This trial will extend knowledge about the efficacy and acceptability of app-based support for suicidal thoughts in young people.
33108386 Daily intercity migration data for 367 cities in China were collected from Baidu Migration, a mobile-app based human migration tracking data system.
33110843 Few gaps in knowledge and practices related to disease epidemiology, safe practices, mobile app for tracking and the availability of e-resources for medical advice, still remain.
33129990 The rationale, design, and approach of extended digital study of patients recruited into a large, international, multi-center clinical trial has not been previously described. […] Patients are asked to answer health-related surveys at fixed intervals using the Eureka mobile app and or desktop platform. […] Such a digital approach may be especially pertinent in the era of COVID-19.
33134239 A dynamic cohort of about 2,000 individuals in Germany aged 16-89 years provided individual information on demographic variables, and their continuous geolocation via a smartphone app.
33140080 The Canadian province of Alberta released the ABTraceTogether smartphone app in May 2020 to assist in contact tracing during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. […] This study examines physician knowledge of the app and practice patterns in relation to the app. […] The survey received 317 responses. 96% of participants were aware of the app but only 27% had recommended the app to patients. […] The most common reason provided for not downloading or recommending the app was that participants had security concerns about the app. 23% of participants indicated they did not believe they had a responsibility to recommend the app to others. […] Our study provides insights into participants’ knowledge and beliefs about the ABTraceTogether app.
33164594 COVID-19 GOV PK app had the highest average MARS score (4.7/5), and all of the apps had acceptable MARS scores (> 3.0). […] This study suggests that most COVID-related apps meet acceptable criteria for quality, content, or functionality, and they must highlight esthetic and interesting features for overall quality improvement to be welcomed by users.
33170801 We evaluate a Bluetooth-based mobile contact-confirming app, COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA), which is being used in Japan to contain the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel virus termed SARS-COV-2. […] The app prioritizes the protection of users’ privacy from a variety of parties (eg, other users, potential attackers, and public authorities), enhances the capacity to balance the current load of excessive pressure on health care systems (eg, local triage of exposure risk and reduction of in-person hospital visits), increases the speed of responses to the pandemic (eg, automated recording of close contact based on proximity), and reduces operation errors and population mobility.
33174849 Numerous smartphone apps are targeting physical activity and healthy eating, but empirical evidence on their effectiveness for initialization and maintenance of behavior change, especially in children and adolescents, is still limited. […] Subsequently, the app will be refined and re-evaluated to analyze additional effects of just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) and gamification features. ) is completed by the participants, consisting of all questionnaire items to assess the stability of the intervention effects. […] This study is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and ethically approved by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. […] For both trials, it is hypothesized that the apps will positively influence physical activity and healthy eating in the whole family. […] SF app development and piloting are completed. […] SF2.0 app development and piloting are completed, while data acquisition is ongoing. […] Furthermore, subsequent app development (SF2.0) with supplementary addition of motivation-enhancing features and a JITAI approach is expected to enhance positive intervention effects.
33177757 To determine whether location-linked anaesthesiology calculator mobile application (app) data can serve as a qualitative proxy for global surgical case volumes and therefore monitor the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. […] We collected data provided by users of the mobile app “Anesthesiologist” during 1 October 2018-30 June 2020. […] We analysed these using RStudio and generated 7-day moving-average app use plots. […] We calculated country-level reductions in app use as a percentage of baseline. […] We plotted changing app use and COVID-19 case counts for several countries and regions. […] A total of 100 099 app users within 214 countries and territories provided data. […] We observed that app use was reduced during holidays, weekends and at night, correlating with expected fluctuations in surgical volume. […] We observed that the onset of the pandemic prompted substantial reductions in app use. […] We noted strong cross-correlation between COVID-19 case count and reductions in app use in low- and middle-income countries, but not in high-income countries. […] Of the 112 countries and territories with non-zero app use during baseline and during the pandemic, we calculated a median reduction in app use to 73.6% of baseline. […] App data provide a proxy for surgical case volumes, and can therefore be used as a real-time monitor of the impact of COVID-19 on surgical capacity.
33180027 Most of the scientifically tested apps are based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles, which are considered the gold standard for the treatment of most mental health problems. […] We included studies focusing on standalone app-based approaches to improve mental health and their feasibility, efficacy, or effectiveness. […] Blended interventions, for example, app-based treatments in combination with psychotherapy, were not included. […] These characteristics appear crucial in the context of a global crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic but may also help reduce personal and economic costs of mental health impairment beyond this situation or in the context of potential future pandemics.
33196283 The authors introduce a mobile phone app that may effectively prevent and manage coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in outpatient hemodialysis patients in Sichuan Province, China.
33197879 It would be desirable to identify a medication that is already in use for another condition and whose side effect profile and safety data are already known and approved. […] Between early April and late-July 2020, a total of 3654 individuals in Lower Saxony, Germany, participated in an online symptom-tracking survey conducted through the app […] The questionnaire comprised items on typical COVID-19 symptoms, age range, gender, employment in patient-facing healthcare, housing status, postal code, previous illnesses, permanent medication, vaccination status, results of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and antibody tests for COVID-19 diagnosis, and consequent COVID-19 treatment if applicable.
33199945 Digital apps for contact tracing using Bluetooth technology available in smartphones have gained prevalence globally. […] We further describe the GoCoronaGo institutional contact tracing app that we have developed, and the conscious and sometimes contrarian design choices we have made. […] We offer a detailed overview of the app, backend platform and analytics, and our early experiences with deploying the app to over 1000 users within the Indian Institute of Science campus in Bangalore.
33200374 Screening every three days can contain outbreaks providing the reproductive number remains below 1.75 (2.3) if transmission happens earlier (later) with time from infection, but at the cost of increased false positive rates requiring more isolation quarters for students testing positive. […] A web app that implements model calculations is available to facilitate exploration and consideration of a variety of scenarios.
33203737 Dating app use decreased during lockdown compared with 2019 (42.1% vs 27.3%; diff= -14.8%; 95% CI -17.6 to -11.9). […] Using dating apps for chatting/texting (89.8% vs 94.5%; diff=4.7%; 95% CI 1.0 to 8.5) and for setting up virtual dates (2.6% vs 17.2%; diff=14.6%; 95% CI 10.1 to 19.2) increased during lockdown.
33206721 Using transit demand data derived from a widely used transit navigation app, we fit logistic functions to model the decline in daily demand and derive key parameters: base value, the apparent minimal level of demand and cliff and base points, representing the initial date when transit demand decline began and the final date when the decline rate attenuated. […] Approximately half of the agencies experienced their decline before the local spread of COVID-19 likely began; most of these are in the US Midwest.
33207390 Policy changes for easing COVID-19-related restrictions from May 2020 were simulated in the context of interventions that included testing, contact tracing (including with a smartphone app), and quarantine. […] Removing several COVID-19-related restrictions within a short period of time should be undertaken with care, as the consequences may not be apparent for more than two months.
33208117 Digital approaches may offer a means for older people to engage in strength and balance exercises independently in their own homes. […] The objective of this review was to identify and evaluate existing apps and websites to support independent engagement in strength and balance exercises by older people. […] We conducted a rapid review of apps and websites, following PRISMA guidelines. […] We searched for available apps in the Android and iOS app stores, and performed a database search (MEDLINE and EMBASE) for apps in development. […] Apps and websites were evaluated in terms of existing evidence for effectiveness, use of behaviour change techniques (BCTs), and quality. […] We evaluated 13 apps and 24 websites on the basis of our selection criteria. […] Considering the evidence-base, quality and BCT scores, four apps and six websites are recommended for use by older people who wish to engage in exercise independently in their own homes. […] No apps or websites have been to RCT evaluation at the time of review. […] Apps and websites have the potential to provide a convenient, cost-effective, and accessible means for many older adults to engage in strength and balance training and reduce falls risk.
33215117 All patients presenting to the emergency department from 21March 2020 with a musculoskeletal injury or potential musculoskeletal infection deemed to require orthopaedic input were discussed using a secure messaging app.
33225216 To meliorate this situation, we adopted the management concept of the system of Tiered Diagnosis and Treatment and developed an online tool for self-triage based on the mostly used multi-purpose smartphone app Wechat in China. […] This tool further provides instructions for home quarantine and help patients make an appointment online if hospital visiting suggested. […] This smartphone application can reduce the burden on hospitals without losing the truly COVID-19 patients and protect people from the danger of cross infection.
33225318 Finally, we design a LC-based diagnostic kit and a smartphone-based application (app) to enable automatic detection of SARS-CoV-2 ssRNA, which could be used for reliable self-test of SARS-CoV-2 at home without the need for complex equipment or procedures.
33233425 Using the network medicine approach and publicly available datasets, we investigated ACE2 tissue expression and described ACE2 interaction networks that could be affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection in the heart, lungs and nervous system. […] The most affected genes were EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor), FN1 (Fibronectin 1), TP53, HSP90AA1, and APP (Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein), while the most affected interactions were associated with MAST2 and CALM1 (Calmodulin 1).
33235399 The goal of this paper is to shed some light on the usefulness of a contact tracing smartphone app for the containment of the COVID-19 pandemic. […] Our contribution is to assess if there is scientific evidence of the benefit of a contact tracing app in slowing down the spread of the virus using present technologies.
33239094 Qualitative analysis was performed on posts and comments submitted in response to 12 articles that appeared on the four leading Israeli news sites, on three significant occasions: first, upon the announcement of the use of surveillance technologies by the Israeli security agency (ISA); second, upon the announcement of the launch of the Health Ministry’s app that tracks contacts with COVID-19 patients; and third, following reports of petitions lodged with Israel’s supreme court challenging the use of surveillance technologies.
33244380 Molecular studies, especially proteomics, can be considered as suitable approaches for discovering the hidden aspect of the disease. […] ClueGO+CluePedia were applied to find the biological processes related to the central nodes. […] APOA1 was identified as the protein complex seed, and APP, EGF, and C3 were the top hub-bottlenecks of the network. […] Moreover, dysregulation of APP and APOA1 could both contribute to the possible adverse effects of COVID-19 on the nervous system. […] The introduced central proteins of the S-COVID-19 interaction network, particularly APOA1, can be considered as diagnostic and therapeutic targets related to the coronavirus disease after being approved with complementary studies.
33258088 From March 2-11, 2020, 4607 individuals were recruited from 11 provinces with varying numbers of COVID-19 cases using the social networking app WeChat to complete a brief, anonymous, online survey.
33262969 We provide a Shiny app available at […] The original values in the app reproduce the results of this paper, but the parameters and starting values can be changed according to the user’s needs.
33264099 To help individuals concerned about their sleep, we developed a smartphone-based app called KANOPEE that allows users to interact with a virtual agent dedicated to autonomous screening and delivering digital behavioral interventions. […] Our objective was to assess the feasibility of this app, in terms of inclusion rate, follow-up rate, perceived trust and acceptance of the virtual agent, and effects of the intervention program, in the context of COVID-19 confinement in France. […] A total of 2069 users aged 18 years and above downloaded the free app during the study period (April 22 to May 5, 2020). […] Approximately 76% (1574/2069) of the app users completed the screening interview with the virtual agent. […] These preliminary results suggest that the KANOPEE app is a promising solution to screen populations for sleep complaints and that it provides acceptable and practical behavioral advice for individuals reporting moderately severe insomnia.
33264100 This study investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdown on this population through the lens of users of the UK National Health Service-approved pregnancy and parenting smartphone app, Baby Buddy. […] A mixed methods study design combining a web-based survey with semistructured telephone interviews among Baby Buddy users in the United Kingdom was applied. […] Many interviewees were also concerned about their physical health as a consequence of both limited access to face-to-face medical appointments and their own poorer dietary and physical activity behaviors. […] As a free, evidence-based app, Baby Buddy is well positioned to meet this need. […] The app could support its users even more by actively directing them to the wealth of existing content relevant to their concerns and by adding content to give users the knowledge and confidence to meet new challenges.
33271804 We created DeCovid, an R shiny app that combines gene expression (GE) data of different human tissue from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project along with the COVID-19 Disease Map and COVID-19 related pathways gene collections to explore basal GE differences across healthy demographic groups. […] We used this app to study differential gene expression of COVID-19 associated genes in different age and sex groups. […] The DeCovid app is an effective and easy to use tool for exploring the GE levels relevant to COVID-19 across demographic groups and tissues.
33274726 The primary objectives of this study are to evaluate whether a personalized mobile app can improve children’s on-time visits at 10 and 14 weeks of age for RCI as compared with standard care and to determine whether an artificial intelligence model can be incorporated into the app. […] Secondary objectives are to determine the perceptions and attitudes of caregivers regarding childhood vaccinations and to understand the factors that might influence the effect of a mobile phone-based app on vaccination improvement. […] The intervention arm will have access to a smartphone app with text, voice, video, and pictorial messages regarding RCI. […] This app will be developed based on the findings of the pretrial qualitative component of the study, in addition to no-show study findings, which will explore caregivers’ perceptions about RCI and a mobile phone-based app in improving RCI coverage. […] This study will generate useful insights into the feasibility, acceptability, and usability of an Android-based smartphone app for improving RCI in Pakistan and in LMICs.
33276318 Telephones, internet-connected devices (phablets, personal computers), chat platforms, and mobile apps (eg, Skype, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp) can be exploited for telemedicine applications. […] WhatsApp and similar apps are also widely used to facilitate clinical communication between physicians. […] Moreover, WhatsApp is used by emergency department (ED) physicians and consulting physicians to exchange medical information during ED consultations. […] This platform is regarded as a useful app in the consultation of dermatological and orthopedic cases. […] WhatsApp-like apps are among the video consultation platforms that are assumed to reduce the risk of contamination by minimizing patient-physician contact. […] The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of WhatsApp video consultation on patient admission and discharge times in comparison to bedside consultation in the evaluation of potential patients with COVID-19 visiting a COVID-19 outpatient clinic during the pandemic. […] Patients who presented to the ED COVID-19 outpatient clinic between March 11 and May 31, 2020, and for whom an infectious disease specialist was consulted (via WhatsApp or at bedside) were included in the study in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. […] Eventually, 54 patients whose consultations were performed via WhatsApp and 90 patients whose consultations were performed at bedside were included in our study. […] The median length of stay in the ED of discharged patients amounted to 103 minutes (IQR 85-147.75) in the WhatsApp group and 196 minutes (IQR 141-215) in the bedside group. […] In this regard, the length of stay in the ED was found to be significantly shorter in the WhatsApp group than in the bedside group (P<.001 the median length of stay inpatients in ed was found to be minutes whatsapp group and bedside group. statistical analysis this time difference revealed that significantly shorter for patients than consultation via reduces both contact with covid-19 number medical staff contacting which contributes greatly reducing risk transmission. may prove useful clinical decision making as well shortening process times.> </.001>
33278917 In this prospective, observational study, we did modelling using longitudinal, self-reported data from users of the COVID Symptom Study app in England between March 24, and Sept 29, 2020. […] Beginning on April 28, in England, the Department of Health and Social Care allocated RT-PCR tests for COVID-19 to app users who logged themselves as healthy at least once in 9 days and then reported any symptom. […] We calculated incidence of COVID-19 using the invited swab (RT-PCR) tests reported in the app, and we estimated prevalence using a symptom-based method (using logistic regression) and a method based on both symptoms and swab test results. […] From March 24 to Sept 29, 2020, a total of 2 873 726 users living in England signed up to use the app, of whom 2 842 732 (98·9%) provided valid age information and daily assessments. […] Self-reported data from mobile applications can provide an agile resource to inform policy makers during a quickly moving pandemic, serving as a complementary resource to more traditional instruments for disease surveillance.
33296866 Such indices allow a fine-grained approach to modeling public behavior during the pandemic. […] The model is implemented in a graphical online app for exploring county-level statistics and running counterfactual simulations.
33296869 TECC uses the mindLAMP app to enable digital phenotyping, clinical communication, and smartphone-based exercises that will augment in-person or telehealth virtual visits. […] TECC exposes participants to an array of evidence-based treatments (cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy) introduced through clinical sessions and then practiced through interactive activities provided through a smartphone app called mindLAMP.
33298117 This interventional study will investigate the effect of daily use of a mindfulness app on measures of participant anxiety, well-being, and perceived outlook during the COVID-19 pandemic, by comparing pre-intervention survey responses to post-intervention survey responses. […] Adults will be assigned either to daily use of a meditation app for 30 days or to a control group (no usage of meditation app) with a 1:1 equivalence allocation ratio. […] Inclusion Criteria: Participants must be 18 or older, have a smartphone, able to download apps to their smartphone, must be fluent in the English language, able to complete surveys on their own, and must be in the United States for the duration of the study. […] Current regular use of a mindfulness or meditation app, regular practice of mindfulness or meditation, regular therapy sessions, inability to complete surveys independently, or any mental health restrictions that would prevent participation. […] All data will be collected through the Insight Timer Meditation App and Google Forms. […] Intervention: Participants will be sent a link to a pre-intervention survey prior to first use of the mindfulness app. […] Participants will be instructed to use the Insight Timer app for 10 minutes daily for 30 days. […] Comparator: Participants will receive the same surveys, but will not use any mindfulness app for the 30-day intervention period. […] After this 30-day period, participants are invited to use the Insight Timer app if they so choose. […] The main outcomes are (1) anxiety as assessed by survey questions adapted from the GAD7, comparing pre-intervention to post-30-days of app usage and (2) well-being as assessed by survey questions adapted from the WHO-5, comparing pre-intervention and post-30-days of app usage. […] Approximately 75 participants will be randomized to each group, with an estimated enrollment of 150 participants. […] This study is protocol version number 27-126 and was approved on May 10, 2020.
33299071 The UK National Health Service (NHS) Track and Trace Service has plans for a nationwide app that notifies the need for self-isolation to those in contact with a person testing positive for COVID-19. […] To be successful, such an app will require high uptake, the determinants and willingness for which are unclear but essential to understand for effective public health benefit. […] The objective of this study was to measure the determinants of willingness to participate in an NHS app-based contact-tracing programme using a questionnaire within the Care Information Exchange (CIE)-the largest patient-facing electronic health record in the NHS. […] Among 47,708 registered NHS users of the CIE, 27% completed a questionnaire asking about willingness to participate in app-based contact tracing, understanding of government advice, mental and physical wellbeing and their healthcare utilisation-related or not to COVID-19. […] Descriptive statistics are reported alongside univariate and multivariable logistic regression models, with positive or negative responses to a question on app-based contact tracing as the dependent variable. […] 60.3% of respondents were willing to participate in app-based contact tracing. […] Multivariable analysis showed that difficulty understanding government rules was associated with a decreased inclination to download the app, with those scoring 1-2 and 3-4 in their understanding of the new government rules being 45% and 27% less inclined to download the contact-tracing app, respectively; when compared to those who rated their understanding as 5-6/10 (OR for 1-2/10 = 0.57 [CI 0.48-0.67]; OR for 3-4/10 = 0.744 [CI 0.64-0.87]), whereas scores of 7-8 and 9-10 showed a 43% and 31% respective increase. […] Those reporting an unconfirmed belief of having previously had and recovered from COVID-19 were 27% less likely to be willing to download the app; belief of previous recovery from COVID-19 infection OR 0.727 [0.585-0.908]). […] In this large UK-wide questionnaire of wellbeing in lockdown, a willingness for app-based contact tracing over an appropriate age range is 60%-close to the estimated 56% population uptake, and substantially less than the smartphone-user uptake considered necessary for an app-based contact tracing to be an effective intervention to help suppress an epidemic. […] Difficulty comprehending government advice and uncertainty of diagnosis, based on a public health policy of not testing to confirm self-reported COVID-19 infection during lockdown, therefore reduce willingness to adopt a government contact-tracing app to a level below the threshold for effectiveness as a tool to suppress an epidemic.
33301415 Although COVID-19 mobile health (mHealth) apps have emerged, research on attitudes toward using COVID-19 mHealth tools among those with chronic conditions is scarce. […] Primary outcomes were attitudes toward COVID-19 mHealth tools, including the likelihood of using (1) a mobile phone app to track COVID-19 symptoms and receive recommendations; (2) a website to track COVID-19 symptoms, track location, and receive recommendations; and (3) an app using location data to track potential COVID-19 exposure. […] Of the 10,760 respondents, 21.8% of respondents were extremely/very likely to use a mobile phone app or a website to track their COVID-19 symptoms and receive recommendations. […] Additionally, 24.1% of respondents were extremely/very likely to use a mobile phone app to track their location and receive push notifications about whether they have been exposed to COVID-19. […] Adults with respiratory-related chronic diseases were extremely/very (conditional odds ratio 1.16, 95% CI 1.00-1.35) and moderately likely (conditional odds ratio 1.23, 95% CI 1.04-1.45) to use a mobile phone app to track their location and receive push notifications about whether they have been exposed to COVID-19. […] Our study demonstrates that attitudes toward using COVID-19 mHealth tools vary widely across modalities (eg, web-based method vs app) and chronic health conditions. […] These findings may inform the adoption of long-term engagement with COVID-19 apps, which is crucial for determining their potential in reducing disparities in COVID-19 morbidity and mortality among individuals with chronic health conditions.
33301416 The software languages were based on the progressive web app development methodology with the Ionic framework, JavaScript, HTML5, cascading style sheets, and TypeScript (Angular). […] Open data reports of how users interact with the serious game were obtained using the Google Analytics application programming interface.
33302255 While some countries are still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, others have fared better and have re-established relative normalcy quickly. […] Thus, we propose that the United States execute the following national policies should a public health emergency be declared: (1) immediately establish a National Command responsible for enacting strict mandatory guidelines enforced by federal and state governments, including national mask use; (2) mandate civilian cooperation with health officials in contact tracing and quarantine orders; and (3) require incoming travelers to the United States and those quarantined to download a contact tracing app.
33317615 This study aims to evaluate an evidence-based web application (Naranj) for stress management among Iranian college students. […] The intervention group participants will be provided with a web application, whereas the control group ones will be provided with an app unrelated to stress management. […] A web application will be developed according to psychological theories and will be scientifically approved for managing college students’ stress and improving their sleep quality during the COVID-19 outbreak.
33318619 Passively sensed smartphone app use and actigraphy data were collected from a group of psychiatric outpatients before and during imposition of strict Covid-19 lockdown measures. […] Importantly, passive monitoring of smartphone app usage is low burden and non-intrusive. […] Given appropriate consent, this could help identify people who are failing to engage in usual patterns of digital social interaction, providing a route to early intervention.
33320822 Ajivar is an app that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to deliver personalized mindfulness and EI training. […] It is possible to deliver EI and mindfulness training in a scalable way using the Ajivar app during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in improvements in anxiety, depression, and EI in the college student population.
33323599 The online electronic survey form was prepared on the Google app.
33326411 Digital proximity tracing apps have been released to mitigate the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus known to cause COVID-19. […] However, it remains unclear how the acceptance and uptake of these apps can be improved. […] This study aimed to investigate the coverage of the SwissCovid app and the reasons for its nonuse in Switzerland during a period of increasing incidence of COVID-19 cases. […] We examined sociodemographic and behavioral factors associated with app use by using multivariable logistic regression, whereas reasons for app nonuse were analyzed descriptively. […] Overall, 46.5% (703/1511) of the survey participants reported they used the SwissCovid app, which was an increase from 43.9% (662/1508) reported in the previous study wave conducted in July 2020. […] A higher monthly household income (ie, income >CHF 10,000 or >US $11,000 vs income ≤CHF 6000 or <us odds ratio ci more frequent internet use daily vs less than weekly: or better adherence to recommendations for wearing masks always most of the time rarely never: and nonsmoker status were associated with an increased likelihood app uptake. swiss language region german a lower further analysis in randomly selected subsample detailed information showed that higher levels trust government health authorities also uptake high low trust: reasons nonuse lack perceived benefit using followed by compatible phone privacy concerns eliminating technical hurdles communicating benefits digital proximity tracing apps are crucial promote such ultimately enhance their effectiveness aid pandemic mitigation strategies.>
33327003 Early modelling studies highlighted the potential of digital contact tracing to break transmission chains, and Google and Apple subsequently developed the Exposure Notification (EN) framework, making it available to the vast majority of smartphones. […] A growing number of governments have launched or announced EN-based contact tracing apps, but their effectiveness remains unknown. […] Here, we report early findings of the digital contact tracing app deployment in Switzerland.
33331595 We analyzed the series of accumulated daily confirmed COVID-19 cases, with projections for the subsequent 15 days, using the JoinPoint app.
33335125 Using an agent-based model, we explore one of the technology-based strategies proposed, a contact-tracing smartphone app. […] We explore the interplay of various adoption rates of the contact-tracing app, different levels of testing capacity, and behavioural factors to assess the impact on the epidemic. […] Results suggest that a contact tracing app can contribute substantially to reducing infection rates in the population when accompanied by a sufficient testing capacity or when the testing policy prioritises symptomatic cases. […] With that, when symptomatic cases are not prioritised for testing, a high rate of app users can generate an extensive increase in the demand for testing, which, if not met with adequate supply, may render the app counterproductive.
33340328 To slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the German government released the ‘Corona-Warn-App’, a smartphone application that warns users if they have come into contact with other users tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. […] Since using the ‘Corona-Warn-App’ is health-relevant behavior, it is essential to understand who is (and who is not) using it and why. […] The most frequently named reasons by non-users were privacy concerns, doubts about the effectiveness of the app and lack of technical equipment.
33341098 Smartphone-based hearing assessment apps may overcome these challenges by enabling patients to remotely self-administer their own hearing examination. […] The objective of this review is to provide an up-to-date overview of current mobile health applications (apps) that claim to assess hearing. […] The Apple App Store and Google Play Store were queried for apps that claim to assess hearing. […] Relevant apps were downloaded and used to conduct a mock hearing assessment. […] Names of included apps were searched on four literature databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and CINAHL) to determine which apps had been validated against gold standard methods. […] App store searches identified 44 unique apps. […] Apps differed with respect to the type of test offered (e.g., hearing threshold test), cost, strategies to reduce ambient noise, test output (quantitative vs qualitative results), and options to export results. […] Validation studies were identified for seven apps. […] Given their low cost and relative accessibility, smartphone-based hearing apps may facilitate screening for ARHL, particularly in the setting of limitations on in-person medical care due to COVID-19. […] However, app features vary widely, few apps have been validated, and user-centered designs for older adults are largely lacking. […] Smartphone-based hearing test apps may facilitate remote screening for hearing loss, but limitations surrounding app validation, usability, equipment calibration, and data security should be addressed.
33346889 The online motor assessment tool consisted of six motor tests, caregivers were asked to perform the tasks and share a photograph of the patient’s posture using a designed app.
33347421 Tracked longitudinal weekly minutes of PA were captured using the BetterPoints smartphone app between January and June 2020. […] In contrast, those aged >65 years appeared to remain more active throughout and increased their activity levels as soon as lockdown was eased. […] Socioeconomic group and gender did not appear to be associated with changes in PA.
33347424 Downloading a COVID-19 contact tracing app may be effective in reducing users’ worry about COVID-19 and psychological distress. […] This 2.5-month prospective study aimed to investigate the association of downloading a COVID-19 contact tracing app, the COVID-19 Contact Confirming Application (COCOA), released by the Japanese government, with worry about COVID-19 and psychological distress in a sample of employed adults in Japan. […] The app was released between the two surveys, on June 17. […] Participants were asked at follow-up if they downloaded the app. […] Among them, 184 (20.4%) reported that they downloaded the app. […] Downloading of the contact tracing app was significantly negatively associated with psychological distress at follow-up after controlling for baseline variables, but not with worry about COVID-19. […] This study provides the first evidence that using a government-issued COVID-19 contact tracing app may be beneficial for the mental health of employed adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.
33357127 Advanced practice providers (APPs) can be a valuable addition to hospital medicine teams, although there is no established training program for APPs within PHM. […] The authors’ purpose is to describe how one institution rapidly established a PHM APP team by collaborating with experienced APPs working in other areas of the hospital. […] This APP team cared for 16% of the average daily census during the pilot period with no significant difference in length of stay compared to traditional teams.
33362218 To study the U.S. public’s attitudes toward surveillance measures aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19, particularly smartphone applications (apps) that supplement traditional contact tracing. […] We deployed a survey of approximately 2,000 American adults to measure support for nine COVID-19 surveillance measures. […] We assessed attitudes toward contact tracing apps by manipulating six different attributes of a hypothetical app through a conjoint analysis experiment. […] A smaller percentage of respondents support the government encouraging everyone to download and use contact tracing apps (42%) compared with other surveillance measures such as enforcing temperature checks (62%), expanding traditional contact tracing (57%), carrying out centralized quarantine (49%), deploying electronic device monitoring (44%), or implementing immunity passes (44%). […] Of the app features we tested in our conjoint analysis experiment, only one had statistically significant effects on the self-reported likelihood of downloading the app: decentralized data architecture increased the likelihood by 5.4 percentage points. […] Contact tracing apps that use decentralized data storage, compared with those that use centralized data storage, are more accepted by the public. […] While respondents’ support for expanding traditional contact tracing is greater than their support for the government encouraging the public to download and use contact tracing apps, there are smaller partisan differences in support for the latter policy.
33364675 In this article, we review the current literature assessing the application and benefits of connected hearing technologies, as well as their potential to improve accessibility to and affordability of hearing healthcare. […] These devices include (1) smartphone-connected hearing aids that must be obtained from a licensed audiologist or hearing aid dispenser; (2) direct-to-consumer devices, such as personal sound amplification products; and (3) smartphone-based hearing aid applications (or apps). […] Common to all these connected devices is that they permit the user to self-adjust and customize their device programs via an accompanying smartphone app.
33369590 A total of 48 adults with at least 12 months of cochlear implant (CI) experience reported their listening contexts and experiences pre-COVID and during-COVID using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA; methodology collecting a respondent’s self-reports in their natural environments) through a smartphone-based app, and six paper and pencil questionnaires. […] The Smartphone app and paper-pencil questionnaires address topics related to their listening environment, social isolation, depression, anxiety, lifestyle and demand, loneliness, and satisfaction with amplification.
33380619 The objective of this study was to identify and validate smartphone-based visual acuity (VA) apps that can be used in a teleophthalmology portal. […] The study was conducted in three phases: A survey to investigate if the SmartOptometry App was easy to download, understand and test (phase I), an in-clinic comparison of VA measured in a random testing order with four tools namely COMPlog, Reduced Snellen near vision, Peek Acuity (Distance VA) and SmartOptometry (Near VA) (phase II) and a repeatability study on these 4 tools by measuring VA again (phase III). […] Phase I Survey (n = 40) showed 90% of participants used android phones, 60% reported that instructions were clear, and all users were able to self-assess their near VA with SmartOptometry App. […] Smartphone-based apps were easy to download and can be used for checking patient’s distance and near visual acuity.
33386081 Our analyses were performed using a supercomputing DreamLab App platform, harnessing the idle computational power of thousands of smartphones. […] Machine learning models were initially calibrated by demonstrating that the proposed method can predict anti-COVID-19 candidates among experimental and clinically approved drugs (5658 in total) targeting COVID-19 interactomics with the balanced classification accuracy of 80-85% in 5-fold cross-validated settings.
33386873 We assessed depressive symptoms (CES-D-10 scale), loneliness (UCLA 3-Item Loneliness scale), and frequency of in-person and remote social connections (4 items, e.g., hugging family member, video chats) and sexual connections (4 items, e.g., partnered sexual activity, dating app use).
33388481 Mobile mental care applications (apps) comprise a form of online mental care that enables the delivery of remote mental care. […] This study aimed to explore the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of university students in Spain and to explore their attitudes toward the use of mobile mental care apps. […] The second section included six questions developed by the authors to explore the students’ attitudes toward mental care apps. […] Further, 91.3 % of the students had never used a mobile app for mental health, 36.3 % were unaware of such apps, and 79.2 % were willing to use them in the future. […] Mobile mental care apps may be an effective and efficient way to access mental care, particularly during a pandemic.
33395398 In an effort to provide continuous pharmaceutical care to cancer patients, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center (SYSUCC) implemented a remote pharmacy service platform based on its already existing web-based hospital app known as Cloud SYSUCC. […] The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics, acceptance, and initial impact of the Cloud SYSUCC app during a COVID-19 outbreak in a tertiary cancer hospital in China.
33395709 An algorithm for combining symptom LRs was programmed and published in the form of an app. […] The app was tested against 18 well-described successful cases from Hong Kong.
33400675 Digital remote patient monitoring can add value to virtual wards; this has become more apparent in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. […] We aimed to assess the impact of introducing an app-based remote patient monitoring system (Huma Therapeutics) on a clinician’s workload in the context of a COVID-19-specific virtual ward. […] This prospective feasibility study aimed to evaluate the health economic effects (in terms of clinical workload) of a mobile app on a telephone-based virtual ward used in the monitoring of patients with COVID-19 who are clinically ready for discharge from the hospital. […] A smartphone-based app was introduced to monitor data points submitted by the patients via communication over telephone calls. […] We then comparatively evaluated the clinical workload between patients monitored by telephone only (cohort 1) with those monitored via mobile app and telephone (cohort 2). […] In all, 56 patients were enrolled in the app-based virtual ward (cohort 2). […] Moreover, it translates to 3.30 fewer full-time equivalents (raw phone call data), resulting in 1.1 fewer full-time equivalents required to monitor 100 patients when adjusted for time spent reviewing app data.
33400677 Blockchain technology has been applied in various domains and has been proven to be an effective approach for handling data transactions securely, which makes it an ideal choice for digital contact tracing apps. […] In this paper, we provide readers with a detailed discussion on the digital contact tracing mechanism and outline the apps developed so far to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. […] Moreover, we present the possible risks, issues, and challenges associated with the available contact tracing apps and analyze how the adoption of a blockchain-based decentralized network for handling the app could provide users with privacy-preserving contact tracing without compromising performance and efficiency.
33402392 UK users of the Zoe COVID-19 Symptom Study app provided baseline data including demographics, anthropometrics, smoking status and medical conditions, and were asked to log their condition daily. […] Participants who reported that they did not feel physically normal were then asked by the app to complete a series of questions, including 14 potential COVID-19 symptoms and about hospital attendance.
33408099 This quality improvement project aims to leverage on technology to improve patients’ access to, and experience of, care while in isolation.Patients admitted to two isolation wards in Singapore General Hospital (SGH) between 28 February and 19 March 2020 were each provided an iPad loaded with the MyCare application (app), curated materials and mobile games. […] During this period, 83 of them accessed the device and the app. […] MyCare app is an app developed by the nursing team in SGH as part of an existing interprofessional collaboration to help patients navigate their care during their inpatient stay. […] In response to COVID-19, MyCare app was supplemented with materials to address affected patients’ informational and psychosocial needs.
33419939 At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, high hopes were put on digital contact tracing, using mobile phone apps to record and immediately notify contacts when a user reports as infected. […] Such apps can now be downloaded in many countries, but as second waves of COVID-19 are raging, these apps are playing a less important role than anticipated. […] We argue that this is because most countries have opted for app configurations that cannot provide a means of rapidly informing users of likely infections while avoiding too many false positive reports. […] Mathematical modelling suggests that differently configured apps have the potential to do this. […] When these points are understood, it becomes clear that we must rethink our approach to digital contact tracing in our fight against COVID-19.
33422431 We conducted a randomized controlled study to confirm the effectiveness of remote management using the mobile phone WeChat app on comprehensive management of diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 epidemic. […] We distributed questionnaires that collected information on the health condition of people with diabetes during the COVID-19 epidemic through the WeChat app. […] The intervention group was managed remotely through the WeChat app, and the control group received traditional medical treatment.
33432286 The form was shared with a short overview and justification through Facebook, Twitter, Facebook messenger, Viber, and What’s App. […] The Google form contains five parts: a brief introduction, an approval statement, demographics, clinical and radiological data, and mental health assessment by the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scale and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). […] Approximately two-thirds or 66.67% of patients had anxiety and depression, one or both.
33434404 To explore public attitudes to a COVID-19 contact tracing app in the United Kingdom. […] Participants were divided as to whether or not they felt they would use the app. […] Analysis revealed five themes: (1) lack of information and misconceptions surrounding COVID-19 contact tracing apps; (2) concerns over privacy; (3) concerns over stigma; (4)concerns over uptake; and (5) contact tracing as the ‘greater good’. […] Concerns over privacy, uptake and stigma were particularly significant amongst those stated they will not be using the app, and the view that the app is for the ‘greater good’ was particularly significant amongst those who stated they will be using the app. […] One of the most common misconceptions about the app was that it could allow users to specifically identify and map COVID-19 cases amongst their contacts and in their vicinity.
33439902 Here we adapt and evaluate a full-face snorkel mask for use as personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care workers, who lack appropriate alternatives during the COVID-19 crisis in the spring of 2020. […] Clinical usability tests indicate sufficient visibility and, while speaking is somewhat muffled, this can be addressed via amplification (Bluetooth voice relay to cell phone speakers through an app) in noisy environments.
33443149 Negative responses to enforcement-termed control aversion-vary across the nature of the policy intervention (e.g., they are rare for masks and frequent for vaccination and a cell-phone tracing app).
33443550 However, electronic applications (apps) for the testing of ophthalmology vital signs, such as visual acuity, can be published and used without any verification of accuracy, validity, or reliability. […] To reassess the accuracy of visual acuity-testing apps and assess their viability for telehealth. […] The US Apple App Store was queried for apps for visual acuity testing. […] Anticipated optotype size for various visual acuity lines were calculated and compared against the actual measured optotype size on 4 different Apple hardware devices. […] On iPhones, 10 apps met inclusion criteria, with mean errors ranging from 0.2% to 109.9%. […] On the iPads, 9 apps met inclusion criteria, with mean errors ranging from 0.2% to 398.1%. […] Six apps met criteria and worked on both iPhone and iPad, with mean errors from 0.2% to 249.5%. […] Of the 6 apps that worked across devices, the top 3 most accurate apps were Visual Acuity Charts (mean [SD] error, 0.2% [0.0%]), Kay iSight Test Professional (mean [SD] error, 3.5% [0.7%]), and Smart Optometry (mean [SD] error, 15.9% [4.3%]). […] None of the apps tested were ideal for telemedicine, because some apps displayed accurate optotype size, while others displayed the same letters on separate devices; no apps exhibited both characteristics. […] Both Visual Acuity Charts and Kay iSight Test Professional had low mean (SD) errors and functionality across all tested devices, but no apps were suitable for telemedicine. […] This suggests that new and/or improved visual acuity-testing apps are necessary for optimal telemedicine use.
33443963 Data for this study were collected between 16-Apr-2020 and 24-May-2020 as part of a COVID-19 Disparities Survey implemented by the gay social networking app, Hornet.
33444411 The prediction rule is freely available as a web-app (COVID-CALC:
33446891 Targeted contact-tracing through mobile phone apps has been proposed as an instrument to help contain the spread of COVID-19 and manage the lifting of nation-wide lock-downs currently in place in USA and Europe. […] We built an expanded SIR model of COVID-19 epidemics that accounts for region-specific population densities, and we used it to test the impact of a contact-tracing app in a number of scenarios. […] Using demographic and mobility data from Italy and Spain, we used the model to simulate scenarios that vary in baseline contact rates, population densities, and fraction of app users in the population. […] Our results show that, in support of efficient isolation of symptomatic cases, app-mediated contact-tracing can successfully mitigate the epidemic even with a relatively small fraction of users, and even suppress altogether with a larger fraction of users. […] This work corroborates previous results in favor of app-mediated contact-tracing as mitigation measure for COVID-19, and draws attention on the importance of region-specific demographic and mobility factors to achieve maximum efficacy in containment policies.
33447004 An online, 15-question survey was developed and posted on Facebook and WhatsApp closed surgeon groups. […] When asked which social media platforms they preferred, the video sharing site YouTube (33.3%), the messaging app WhatsApp (21%), and “other” (including videoconferencing sites) (22.3%) were most popular. […] Social media use for surgical education during Covid-19 appears to be increasing and evolving.
33448030 Evaluate the diagnostic value of cutaneous manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection and investigate their duration and timing in relation to other COVID-19 symptoms METHODS: We used data from 336,847 UK users of the COVID Symptom Study app to assess the diagnostic value of body rash or an acral rash in SARS-CoV-2 infection, and data from an independent online survey of 11,546 respondents to investigate skin-specific symptoms and collect their photographs. […] Using data from the app, we show significant association between skin rashes and a positive swab test result (OR:1.67, 95% confidence interval:1.41-1.96).
33457115 (27, 6.2%), Sehha App (65, 16.5%), Email (84, 21.4%).
33462724 Six COVID-related symptoms were monitored daily, either by the patient via the CAPRI mobile application (CAPRI App) or by NNs via telemonitoring. […] NNs carried out 1412 regular monitoring calls (average of 10.9 calls per patient), while 55% of the patients downloaded the CAPRI App. […] In addition to the CAPRI App, which helped limit phone calls, NNs played an essential role in patient management.
33465034 In particular, contact tracing mobile apps provide a means for governments to manage both health and economic concerns. […] However, public reception of these apps is paramount to their success, and global uptake rates have been low. […] In this study, we sought to identify the characteristics of individuals or factors potentially associated with voluntary downloads of a contact tracing mobile app in Singapore. […] As the primary outcome measure, participants were asked to indicate whether they had downloaded the contact tracing app TraceTogether introduced at the national level. […] However, demographic and situational characteristics were not significantly associated with app downloads. […] Efforts to introduce contact tracing apps could capitalize on pandemic-related behavioral adjustments among individuals. […] Given that a large number of individuals is required to download contact tracing apps for contact tracing to be effective, further studies are required to understand how citizens respond to contact tracing apps.
33465036 Contact tracing apps are an essential component of an effective COVID-19 testing strategy to counteract the spread of the pandemic and thereby avoid overburdening the health care system. […] As the adoption rates in several regions are undesirable, governments must increase the acceptance of COVID-19 tracing apps in these times of uncertainty. […] Building on the Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT), this study aims to investigate how uncertainty reduction measures foster the adoption of COVID-19 tracing apps and how their use affects the perception of different risks. […] Representative survey data were gathered at two measurement points (before and after the app’s release) and analyzed by performing covariance-based structural equation modeling (n=1003). […] The use of the COVID-19 tracing app in turn reduced the perceived privacy and performance risks but did not reduce social risks and health-related COVID-19 concerns. […] Furthermore, our results help to derive communication strategies to promote the mass adoption of COVID-19 tracing apps, thus detecting infection chains and allowing intelligent COVID-19 testing.
33469298 The objective of this paper was to review the functionalities and effectiveness of the free mobile health applications available in the Google Play and App stores used in Saudi Arabia, Italy, Singapore, the United Kingdom, USA, and India during the COVID-19 outbreak. […] This study adopted a systematic search strategy to identify the free mobile applications available in the App and Google Play stores related to the COVID-19 outbreak. […] According to the PRISMA flowchart of the search, only 12 applications met the inclusion criterion. […] The 12 mobile applications that met the inclusion criterion were: Mawid, Tabaud, Tawakkalna, Sehha, Aarogya setu, TraceTogether, COVID safe, Immuni, COVID symptom study, COVID watch, NHS COVID-19, and PathCheck. […] The following features and functionalities of the apps were described: app overview (price, ratings, android, iOS, developer/owner, country, status), health tools (user status-risk assessment, self-assessment, E-pass integration, test results reporting, online consultation, contact tracing), learning options (personalized notes, educational resources, COVID-19 information), communication tools (query resolution, appointments, social network, notifications), app design (data visualization, program plan), networking tools (location mapping - GPS, connectivity with other devices), and safety and security options (alerts, data protection). […] Also, the effectiveness of the apps was analyzed. […] The analysis revealed that various applications have been developed for different functions like contact tracing, awareness building, appointment booking, online consultation, etc. […] However, only a few applications have integrated various functions and features such as self-assessment, consultation, support and access to information. […] Also, most of the apps are focused on contact tracing, while very few are dedicated to raising awareness and sharing information about the COVID-19 pandemic. […] Likewise, the majority of applications rely on GPS and Bluetooth technologies for relevant functions. […] No apps were identified that had built-in social media features. […] It is suggested to design and develop an integrated mobile health application with most of the features and functionalities analyzed in this study.
33469542 :
33479505 Digital contact tracing apps have been introduced globally as an instrument to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. […] We combine an online panel survey with mobile tracking data to measure the actual usage of Germany’s official contact tracing app and reveal higher uptake rates among respondents with an increased risk of severe illness, but lower rates among those with a heightened risk of exposure to COVID-19.
33481759 Digital platforms include streaming services for exercise (eg, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook); subscriber fitness programs, via an app or online (eg, Centr and MyFitnessPal); facilitated online live or recorded classes, via platforms such as Zoom (eg, dance, sport training, and fitness class); sport- or activity-specific apps designed by sporting organizations for participants to keep up their skills (eg, TeamBuildr); active electronic games (eg, Xbox Kinect); and/or online or digital training or racing platforms (eg, Zwift, FullGaz, and Rouvy).
33481841 The Australian federal government recently launched the ‘COVIDSafe’ app, designed to anonymously register nearby contacts. […] The current study assessed attitudes towards three tracking technologies (telecommunication network tracking, a government app, and Apple and Google’s Bluetooth exposure notification system) in two representative samples of the Australian public prior to the launch of COVIDSafe. […] We compared these attitudes to usage of the COVIDSafe app after its launch in a further two representative samples of the Australian public. […] Using Bayesian methods, we find widespread acceptance for all tracking technologies, however, observe a large intention-behaviour gap between people’s stated attitudes and actual uptake of the COVIDSafe app.
33493125 Many countries across the globe have released their own COVID-19 contact tracing apps. […] This has resulted in the proliferation of several apps that used a variety of technologies. […] With the absence of a standardized approach used by the authorities, policy makers, and developers, many of these apps were unique. […] The goal of this study was to analyze most of the COVID-19 contact tracing apps in use today. […] Beyond investigating the privacy features, design, and implications of these apps, this research examined the underlying technologies used in contact tracing apps. […] This research also investigated the data collection, reporting, retention, and destruction procedures used by each of the apps under review. […] This research study evaluated 13 apps corresponding to 10 countries based on the underlying technology used. […] The evaluated apps also included countries that did relatively well in controlling the outbreak of COVID-19, such as Singapore. […] Informational and unofficial contact tracing apps were excluded from this study. […] A total of 30,000 reviews corresponding to the 13 apps were scraped from app store webpages and analyzed. […] This study identified seven distinct technologies used by COVID-19 tracing apps and 13 distinct apps. […] The United States was reported to have released the most contact tracing apps, followed by Italy. […] Bluetooth was the most frequently used underlying technology, employed by seven apps, whereas three apps used GPS. […] The Norwegian, Singaporean, Georgian, and New Zealand apps were among those that collected the most personal information from users, whereas some apps, such as the Swiss app and the Italian (Immuni) app, did not collect any user information. […] The observed minimum amount of time implemented for most of the apps with regard to data destruction was 14 days, while the Georgian app retained records for 3 years. […] No significant battery drainage issue was reported for most of the apps. […] Interestingly, only about 2% of the reviewers expressed concerns about their privacy across all apps. […] The number and frequency of technical issues reported on the Apple App Store were significantly more than those reported on Google Play; the highest was with the New Zealand app, with 27% of the reviewers reporting technical difficulties (ie, 10% out of 27% scraped reviews reported that the app did not work). […] The Norwegian, Swiss, and US (PathCheck) apps had the least reported technical issues, sitting at just below 10%. […] In terms of usability, many apps, such as those from Singapore, Australia, and Switzerland, did not provide the users with an option to sign out from their apps. […] This article highlighted the fact that COVID-19 contact tracing apps are still facing many obstacles toward their widespread and public acceptance.
33493126 We conducted a prospective observational study using estimated sleep duration data obtained from a smartphone app. […] The data were obtained from regular users of the smartphone app before and after the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020.
33496679 All modalities showed increased odds of improvement compared to those who were not engaged with coaching or clinical services (“app-only”).
33500407 Here, we report the results of a 4-week population-based controlled experiment that took place in La Gomera (Canary Islands, Spain) between June and July 2020, where we assessed the epidemiological impact of the Spanish DCT app Radar Covid. […] The app detects about 6.3 close-contacts per primary simulated infection, a significant percentage being contacts with strangers, although the spontaneous follow-up rate of these notified cases is low.
33502000 However, the certainty of evidence was reduced by unclear specifications of their models, and assumptions about the effectiveness of manual contact tracing (assumed 95% to 100% of contacts traced), and the proportion of the population who would have the app (53%). […] During an Ebola outbreak, contact tracers using an app found twice as many close contacts per case on average than those using paper forms. […] One cohort study provided very low-certainty evidence that an app could reduce the time to complete a set of close contacts. […] Devices in the cohort studies appeared to have privacy from contacts regarding the exposed or diagnosed users.
33502787 Development of the technology and app/software is required so that more data can be processed at higher speed.
33513562 To help address these challenges, we adapted an internally developed mobile app to communicate critical changes in hospital policies and enable direct phone communication between clinical team members and hospitalized patients, to support social distancing guidelines and remote rounding. […] To describe the unique benefits and challenges of adapting an internal application rapidly to facilitate communication and remote rounding during the pandemic. […] We implemented moblMD, a mobile app for iOS and Android. […] In conjunction with our Hospital Incident Command System, Resident Advisory Council, and health system innovation center, we identified critical and time sensitive policies to distribute using the app. […] A shared collaborative document was used to align communication on the app with more traditional communication channels. […] To facilitate social distancing and remote patient rounding, the app was also populated with a searchable directory of numbers to patient bedside phones and hospital locations. […] Following the first announcement of its availability, the app was downloaded by a total of 1104 clinicians during the observation period, with 46% (508) downloads in the first 72 hours. […] Review of COVID policies using the app was most common during the first week (801 views). […] Fifty-six content and phone number suggestions were submitted via the app. […] We were able to rapidly develop and deploy a communication-focused mobile app in the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic that has demonstrated initial and sustained value for clinicians in communicating with inpatients and each other in the context of social distancing.
33523827 The use of mobile apps to manage and promote health is becoming increasingly popular. […] Mobile apps are gaining popularity particularly in educational and interventional settings owing to their perceived advantages including support for and engagement of individuals with reading difficulties. […] For practitioners and educators who wish to use apps in their practice or recommend apps to individuals with reading difficulties, it is challenging to identify high-quality apps in app stores. […] This protocol describes a systematic search, selection, and appraisal process for tablet apps targeting phonics knowledge and phonological awareness skills. […] This protocol aimed to (1) provide a systematic method for identifying tablet apps targeting phonics knowledge and phonological awareness skills in the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store and (2) describe an evidence-based approach for quality appraisal of these apps by using structured tools. […] This protocol describes an evidence-based method guided by the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) framework to systematically search, select, and appraise apps targeting phonics knowledge and phonological awareness skills, present in Google Play and the App Store. […] We intend to perform a systematic and comprehensive search and a 2-step process for screening: (1) broad screening (app titles) and (2) narrow screening (marketing descriptions). […] Quality appraisal of the included apps will involve two structured appraisal tools: (1) the Mobile Application Rating Scale and (2) the Appraising Apps for Reading Checklist. […] This method will help determine the number of apps targeting phonics knowledge and phonological awareness, present on the Android and iOS platforms. […] The content, quality, and usability of these apps will be determined using structured appraisal tools. […] We have planned to conduct searches on Google Play and the App Store in January-March 2021; broad and focused screening, from April 2021; and data extraction and quality appraisal in October 2021. […] This protocol provides a basis for locating and evaluating apps targeting phonics knowledge and phonological awareness skills. […] This protocol will support practitioners, educators, and families to make informed decisions when purchasing apps for instructional use.
33524031 Using access data from a free Android app with curated regional anesthesia learning modules, we aimed to estimate global interest in regional anesthesia and potential applications to clinical practice stratified by World Bank income level. […] We retrospectively analyzed data collected from the free Android app “Anesthesiologist” from December 2015 to April 2020. […] The app performs basic anesthetic calculations and provides links to videos on performing 12 different nerve blocks. […] Users of the app were classified on the basis of whether or not they had accessed the links. […] Practitioners in low- and middle-income countries accessed the app more frequently than in high-income countries as measured by clicks. […] Utilization of the app was constant over time with a general decline with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. […] The use of an in app survey and analytics can help identify gaps and opportunities for regional anesthesia techniques and practices.
33529156 Health care workers in the Mount Sinai Health System were prospectively followed in an ongoing observational study using the custom Warrior Watch Study App which was downloaded to their smartphones. […] Participants wore an Apple Watch for the duration of the study measuring HRV throughout the follow up period. […] Longitudinally collected HRV metrics from a commonly worn commercial wearable device (Apple Watch) can identify the diagnosis of COVID-19 and COVID-19 related symptoms.
33534839 Governments around the globe have started to develop and deploy digital contact tracing apps to gain control over the spread of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19). […] The appropriateness and usefulness of these technologies as a containment measure have since sparked political and academic discussions globally. […] The present paper contributes to this debate through an exploration of how the national daily newspapers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland reported on the development and adoption of digital contact-tracing apps during early and after stages of the lockdown. […] These countries were among the first in Europe to develop apps and were critical voices in the debate of decentralized vs. centralized data processing. […] From our analysis emerged six core themes of the development and adoption of digital contact tracing apps: 1) data governance; 2) role of IT giants; 3) scientific rigor; 4) voluntariness; 5) functional efficacy; 6) role of the app. […] This study complements emerging survey data on public perceptions of digital contact tracing apps by providing a better understanding of the ideas circulating in the media ecosystem.
33534857 This study makes use of mobility data collected using a smartphone app.
33540628 The current study assessed attitudes towards three tracking technologies (telecommunication network tracking, a government app, and Apple and Google’s Bluetooth exposure notification system) among four samples of young Taiwanese adults (aged 25 years or younger).
33551673 For this purpose, contact-tracing apps are being proposed for large scale adoption by many countries. […] A centralized approach, where data sensed by the app are all sent to a nation-wide server, raises concerns about citizens’ privacy and needlessly strong digital surveillance, thus alerting us to the need to minimize personal data collection and avoiding location tracking. […] We advocate the conceptual advantage of a decentralized approach, where both contact and location data are collected exclusively in individual citizens’ “personal data stores”, to be shared separately and selectively (e.g., with a backend system, but possibly also with other citizens), voluntarily, only when the citizen has tested positive for COVID-19, and with a privacy preserving level of granularity. […] This approach better protects the personal sphere of citizens and affords multiple benefits: it allows for detailed information gathering for infected people in a privacy-preserving fashion; and, in turn this enables both contact tracing, and, the early detection of outbreak hotspots on more finely-granulated geographic scale. […] The decentralized approach is also scalable to large populations, in that only the data of positive patients need be handled at a central level.
33558003 TwinsUK volunteers (n = 3261) completing the C-19 COVID-19 symptom tracker app allowed classical twin studies of COVID-19 symptoms, including predicted COVID-19, a symptom-based algorithm to predict true infection, derived from app users tested for SARS-CoV-2.
33559756 In order to share information and insight into the culture of our program with applicants, we created a smartphone app for those that were invited for an interview. […] By collecting the analytics of the app, we were able to follow trends in the timing of applicants downloading the app, their viewing histories, and when information was accessed. […] The app was mostly downloaded at the time of the interview invite or 48 h prior to the interview day. […] Around the interview day, applicants tended to access trainee profiles, faculty profiles, and videos about the program and community. […] This analysis from the use of a smartphone app in virtual recruitment gives insight into the use of a smartphone app by applicants, and the information that they find useful during the process.
33559781 In this letter, we describe the development of a mobile application that allows to simply measure power associated with mechanical ventilation, identifying each component (respiratory rate, resistance, driving pressure, PEEP volume) as well. […] Considering the potential role of medical apps to improve work efficiency, we developed an open source Progressive Web Application (PWA), named “PowerApp” (freely available at ), in order to easily obtain a bedside measurement of mechanical power and its components. […] The “PowerApp” allows to measure mechanical power at a glance during mechanical ventilation, without complex mathematical computation, and making mechanical power equation useful and feasible for everyday clinical practice.
33566793 Many countries around the world have developed mobile phone apps capable of supporting instantaneous contact tracing to control the Covid-19 pandemic. […] In France, a few people have downloaded and are using the StopCovid contact tracing app. […] Exploring their usage and opinions about the app can inform improvements and diffusion of StopCovid among young people. […] To investigate health-related students’ knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices about the StopCovid app. […] A total of 77.3% (246/318) students had heard about the app, but only 11.3% (36/318) had downloaded it and 4.7% (15/318) were still using it at the time of the survey. […] Main reasons for not using the app were: belief that it was not effective given its limited diffusion (17.6%, 37/210), lack of interest (17.6%, 37/210) and distrust in data security and fear to be geo-located (15.7%, 33/210). […] Among those who had not heard about the app, after a brief description of its functioning and confidentiality policy, 52.7% (38/72) would use it. […] Participants reported that the main solution for increasing the use of the app would be a better communication (71.4%, 227/318). […] Even among health students the contact tracing app was poorly used.
33567697 COVID-19 has reinforced the need to revisit the integration of health within disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies for biological hazards in a system-wide approach. […] In November 2020, DRR experts attended the Asia-Pacific Partnership for Disaster Risk Reduction (APP-DRR) Forum to share progress and learnings in the areas of health system resilience, data management, residual risk management, risk communication, digital literacy, and knowledge product marketing.
33576299 It is intended to explore the available Apps for Spanish-speaking patients with Stroke for a specific sensory-motor rehabilitation process. […] A search of the available apps in Google Play and Apple Store was carried out using the keywords “Stroke”, “hemiplegia” and “hemiparesis”. […] The Apps detected have been described and evaluated by an anonymous survey among stroke survivors. […] Nine Apps have been identified and explored, four of which are available in Spanish: “NeuroRHB”, “Stroke Hope Health4TheWorld”, “9zest stroke recovery” and “Farmalarm”. […] Twelve survivors with stroke have participated in the anonymous survey evaluating with the best score the App “Farmalarm”. […] There are few specific Apps for the Stroke rehabilitation of sensory-motor impairments, and with important limitations that prevent their incorporation into clinical practice. […] The creation and adaptation of Apps for health professionals such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists and their users are recommended. […] Telerehabilitation via App can be a solution, easily accessible by patients, to reduce healthcare inequality, intensify the rehabilitation process and provide continuity after discharge from the hospital.
33577466 During the COVID-19 pandemic, one way to reduce further transmissions of SARS-CoV-2 is the wide-spread use of contact-tracing apps. […] Such apps keep track of proximity contacts and warn contacts of cases that were tested positive for an infection. […] We analyze potential barriers to the large-scale adoption of the official contact-tracing app that was introduced in Germany on June 16, 2020. […] Survey data were collected from 3,276 adults during the week the app was introduced using an offline-recruited probability-based online panel of the general adult population in Germany. […] We estimate that 81% of the population aged 18-77 possess the devices and ability to install the official app and 35% are also willing to install and use it. […] Potential spreaders show high access (92%) and ability (91%) but low willingness (31%) of correct app adoption, whereas for vulnerable groups the main barrier is access (62%). […] The findings suggest a pessimistic view on the effectiveness of app-based contact-tracing to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. […] We recommend targeting information campaigns at groups with a high potential to spread the virus but unwilling to install and correctly use the app, in particular men and those aged between 30 and 59. […] In addition, vulnerable groups, in particular older individuals and those in lower-income households, may be provided with equipment and support to overcome their barriers to app adoption.
33592254 UK and US users of the COVID-19 Symptom Study app who reported new-onset symptoms and an RT-PCR test within seven days of symptom onset were included. […] A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm was applied to generate combinations with optimal trade-offs between sensitivity and specificity.