DrugBank ID: db01698
DrugCentral: rutin
Synonymous :3-[[6-o-(6-deoxy-alpha-l-mannopyranosyl)-beta-d-glucopyranosyl]oxy]-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4h-1-benzopyran-4-one | 3-rhamnoglucosylquercetin | 3-rutinosyl quercetin | phytomelin | quercetin 3-rutinoside | quercetin-3-rutinoside | rutin | rutoside | rutosido | rutosidum | sophorin | vitamin p

Drug Sentece Context

Table 1. Analysis of context sentence of rutin gene in 32 abstracts.

pmid sentence
32362245 All the studied molecules could bind to the active site of the SARS-CoV-2 protease (PDB: 6Y84), out of which rutin (a natural compound) has the highest inhibitor efficiency among the 33 molecules studied, followed by ritonavir (control drug), emetine (anti-protozoal), hesperidin (a natural compound), lopinavir (control drug) and indinavir (anti-viral drug).
32640381 The present study identified rutin, a bioflavonoid and the antibiotic, doxycycline, as the most potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein.
32705952 In-Silico Docking showed that major phytochemicals of Calendula officinals i.e. rutin, isorhamnetin-3-O-β-D, calendoflaside, narcissin, calendulaglycoside B, calenduloside, calendoflavoside have better binding energy than the native ligand (inhibitor N3). […] Overall, rutin and caledoflaside showed better stability, compactness, and flexibility. […] Our in silico (Virtual molecular docking and Molecular dynamics simulation) studies pointed out that flavonoid based phytochemicals of calendula (rutin, isorhamnetin-3-O-β-D, calendoflaside) may be highly effective for inhibiting Mpro which is the main protease for SARS-CoV-2 causing the deadly disease COVID-19. […] Rutin is already used as a drug and the other two compounds can be made available for future use.
32897178 The compounds theaflavin-3-3’-digallate, rutin, hypericin, robustaflavone, and (-)-solenolide A with respective binding energy of -12.41 (Ki = 794.96 pM); -11.33 (Ki = 4.98 nM); -11.17 (Ki = 6.54 nM); -10.92 (Ki = 9.85 nM); and -10.82 kcal/mol (Ki = 11.88 nM) were ranked top as Coronavirus Disease - 2019 (COVID-19) Mpro inhibitors.
33027419 Using a molecular docking approach, the interactions and the binding affinity with SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro and RdRp were predicted for quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (rutin), kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside (nicotiflorin) and some of their glucuronide and sulfate derivatives. […] Docking analysis, based on the crystal structure of 3CLpro and RdRp, indicated rutin, nicotiflorin, and their glucuronide and sulfate derivatives as potential inhibitors for both proteins.
33057452 Our results indicate that the rutin is a potential drug to inhibit the function of Chymotrypsin-like protease (3CL pro) of Coronavirus.
33134310 Comprehensive ML prediction and molecular docking results accounted for the compound Rutin, which was approved by NMPA (National Medical Products Administration), exhibited the best AUC and the most promising binding affinity compared to other compounds. […] Therefore, Rutin might be a promising agent in anti-COVID-19 drugs development.
33140777 Here, we explore the underlying molecular mechanisms of the computationally determined top candidate, namely, rutin which is a key component in many traditional antiviral medicines such as Lianhuaqinwen and Shuanghuanlian, for inhibiting the viral target-Mpro. […] Using in silico methods (docking and molecular dynamics simulations), we revealed the dynamics and energetics of rutin when interacting with the Mpro of SARS-CoV-2, suggesting that the highly hydrophilic rutin molecule can be bound inside the Mpro’s pocket (active site) and possibly inhibit its biological functions. […] In addition, we optimized the structure of rutin and designed two more hydrophobic analogs, M1 and M2, which satisfy the rule of five for western medicines and demonstrated that they (M2 in particular) possess much stronger binding affinities to the SARS-COV-2s Mpro than rutin, due to the enhanced hydrophobic interaction as well as more hydrogen bonds.
33146673 The network pharmacology research showed that TCM could decrease IL-6 using several compounds, such as quercetin, ursolic acid, luteolin, and rutin. […] Quercetin, ursolic acid, luteolin, and rutin could inhibit COVID-19 by down-regulating IL-6.
33166584 Docking studies revealed that Rutin and Caffeic acid phenethyl ester showed the highest affinity to both targets.
33191068 Lastly, SPR experiments were done using the quercetin, astragaloside IV, rutin and isoquercitrin, which were screened from the Chinese medicine-compound-target network and molecular docking. […] The result of molecular docking showed that the affinity score of compounds including quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragaloside IV and rutin is higher than other compounds. […] In addition, the SPR experiments revealed that the quercetin and isoquercitrin were combined with SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein rather than Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, while astragaloside IV and rutin were combined with ACE2 rather than SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein.
33200697 We found that Kaempferol, Quercetin, and Rutin were bound at the substrate binding pocket of 3CLpro with high affinity (105-106 M-1) and interact with the active site residues such as His41 and Cys145 through hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions. […] In fact, the binding affinity of Rutin (~106 M-1) was much higher than Chloroquine (~103 M-1) and Hydroxychloroquine (~104 M-1), and the reference drug Remdesivir (~105 M-1).
33357073 /N in spike-rutin and 152 nm/S2/N in main protease-rutin) for protein surface and its orientation in the exposed and buried regions suggests a strong binding interaction of the drug. […] Further, cluster analysis and secondary structure analysis of complex trajectories validated the conformational changes due to binding of rutin.
33357192 ; Rutin from Illicium verum, Oxyguttiferone from Garcinia cambogia; Scopolin from Apium graveolens L, Luteolin from Salvia officinalis, Emodin, Aloe-emodin from Cinnamomum zeylanicium and Apigenin from Allium sativumL showed better inhibition against Mpro than SP of SARS-CoV-2.
33357725 Meanwhile, anhydrosafflor yellow B (AHSYB), salvianolic acid B (SAB), and rutin could combine with COVID-19 crucial proteins, and then played the role of anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immune response to treat COVID-19.
33398633 Similarly, luteoxanthin and violaxanthin followed by rutin also displayed stronger binding efficiency.
33406222 2,3-Dihydroamentoflavone (ZINC000043552589), Podocarpusflavon-B (ZINC000003594862), Rutin (ZINC000003947429) and Quercimeritrin 6"-O-L-arabinopyranoside (ZINC000070691536), and co-crystallized N3 inhibitor as reference ligand were considered for stringent molecular docking after geometry optimization by DFT method.
33425994 Obtained results by molecular docking showed that Acetoside (-153.06), Luteolin 7 -rutinoside (-134.6) rutin (-133.06), Chebulagic acid (-124.3), Syrigaresinol (-120.03), Acanthoside (-122.21), Violanthin (-114.9), Andrographidine C (-101.8), myricetin (-99.96), Gingerenone -A (-93.9), Tinosporinone (-83.42), Geraniol (-62.87), Nootkatone (-62.4), Asarianin (-79.94), and Gamma sitosterol (-81.94) are main compounds from KK plants which may inhibit COVID-19 giving the better energy score compared to synthetic drugs.
33504301 Simulation studies indicated that glycosidic form of flavonoid as more suitable inhibitor with compounds rutin, procyanidin B6, baicalin and galloylquercetin, demonstrating high affinity and stability, and rutin emerging as one of the best candidate compound. […] Interestingly, rutin was reported to have inhibitory activity against similar protease (3Cprotease of enterovirus A71) as well as implicated in lung fibrosis.
33542917 The results are indicative of better potential of solanine, acetoside, and rutin, as Mpro and spike glycoprotein RBD dual inhibitors. […] Thus, phytochemicals like solanine, acetoside, rutin, and curcumin hold potential to be developed as treatment options against COVID-19.
33556646 Overall, hypericin, rutin, and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside can be considered lead compounds requiring further characterisation for potential antiviral effects in appropriate model systems.