DrugBank ID: db00333
DrugCentral: methadone
Synonymous :(+-)-methadone | (+/-)-methadone | (±)-methadone | 6-dimethylamino-4,4-diphenyl-3-heptanone | dl-methadone | metadona | methadone | methadonum

Drug Sentece Context

Table 1. Analysis of context sentence of methadone gene in 28 abstracts.

pmid sentence
32375887 The use of monthly depot buprenorphine as well as moving from a framework of supervised dosing will be required for patients on sublingual buprenorphine and methadone. […] Delivery of methadone and buprenorphine to the homes of people with confirmed COVID-19 infections is likely to need to occur to support home isolation.People who use drugs are likely to be more vulnerable during the COVID-19 epidemic, due to poorer health literacy and stigma and discrimination towards this group.
32412931 In the setting of COVID-19, opioid use disorder treatment paradigms are being disrupted, including the fact that methadone clinics are scrambling to give “take-home” doses where they would typically not.
32493475 Weight less than 40 Kg.Participant with any immunosuppressive condition or hematological disease.Treatment with drugs that may prolong QT in the last month before randomization for more than 7 days including: azithromycin, chlorpromazine, cisapride, clarithromycin, domperidone, droperidol, erythromycin, halofantrine, haloperidol, lumefantrine, mefloquine, methadone, pentamidine, procainamide, quinidine, quinine, sotalol, sparfloxacin, thioridazine, amiodarone.Hereditary intolerance to galactose, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose or galactose malabsorption.Treatment with fluvoxamine.Treatment with benzodiazepines or benzodiazepine analogues such as zolpidem, zopiclone or zaleplon.Pregnancy.Breastfeeding.History of potentially immune derived diseases such as: lupus, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, vasculitis or rheumatoid arthritis.Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.Known history of hypersensitivity to the study drug or any of its components.Patients that should not be included in the study at the judgment of the research team.
32660776 As soon as the lockdown began, first cases of overdoses (lethal or not) were reported with opioids, mainly with methadone, and other opioids (heroin, oxycodone, tramadol or antitussive codeine). […] In parallel, the French addictovigilance network continued its communications efforts in the period, issuing a newsletter on tramadol, a press release on methadone and naloxone, and participating in the COVID-19 frequently asked questions (FAQs) of the French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutic website (
32663933 Psychopharmacological ongoing treatments should be prioritized and most doses should be reduced 25-50% of original dose if the patient receives lopinavir/ritonavir, with some exceptions including quetiapine, asenapine, olanzapine, sertraline, lamotrigine, bupropion, and methadone.
32697171 Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), such as methadone and buprenorphine, are effective strategies for treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) and reducing overdose risk. […] Unfortunately, US pharmacists are not permitted to prescribe MOUD and are only currently allowed to dispense methadone for the treatment of pain, not OUD.
32773878 These patients are pharmacologically dependent on the OST medication (buprenorphine, buprenorphine-naloxone combination [BNX], and methadone) for their healthy functioning and recovery.
32826620 : Methadone regulations have changed minimally since 1974, despite advances in the understanding of the nature of opioid use disorder (OUD) and the role of medications in its treatment. […] Although addiction medicine has rejected the “criminal” paradigm in favor of OUD as a treatable medical disorder, methadone regulations have not kept pace with the science.Pregnancy is characterized by an ultra-rapid metabolic state, but regulations prevent the use of daily divided doses of methadone to maintain stability. […] Interference with dose regimen adjustments prevents optimal outcomes.Further, methadone clinics are mostly urban, leaving patients in rural areas without access. […] Pregnant women (and parents with children) were forced to negotiate dosing in dangerous conditions.A revised methadone system must provide treatment that is local, flexible, and limited in size to manage viral contagion risks.
32831083 The COSUP clinical team prioritised opioid substitution therapy using methadone and COVID-19 screening over generalist healthcare to manage withdrawal and contain tension and anxiety. […] Key lessons learnt were the importance of communicating with people directly affected by emergencies, the value of using methadone to reduce harms during emergencies and the imperative of including OST in essential primary healthcare.
32838244 Among those discharged alive (n = 213), 70 (32.9%) were discharged to a post-acute facility, 31 (14.6%) newly required supplemental oxygen, 19 (8.9%) newly required tube feeding, and 34 (16%) required new prescriptions for antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, methadone, or opioids.
32868681 In May 2020, we conducted an online survey of 19 carceral systems that provided methadone and/or buprenorphine treatment for incarcerated populations before COVID-19.
33032860 This research note underscores the importance of ensuring a sufficient quantity of methadone take-home doses for patients on methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) to maximize their adherence to government-imposed lockdown restrictions and social distancing measures designed to curtail the spread of SARS-CoV-2. […] We evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on take-home medication (number of days provided) in a methadone clinic in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain).
33127281 Drug policy will need to evaluate market indicators as soon as they are available but responding now with expanded medication therapies, like methadone, may help save lives.
33138924 The COVID-19 pandemic led government regulators to relax prescribing rules for buprenorphine and methadone, the agonist medications that effectively treat opioid use disorder, allowing for take home supplies of up to 28 days. […] The shifts also set the stage to consider if methadone can be safely prescribed in primary care settings, and if the monthly injectable formulation of buprenorphine is a suitable alternative to increased supplies of sublingual strips if concerns about diversion persist.
33143699 The number of overall service users and needles distributed fell during the Spanish state of alarm lockdown period, suggesting that fewer clients accessed harm reduction services during this time, putting them at greater risk of reusing or sharing injecting equipment, overdosing, acquiring infectious diseases with decreased access to testing or discontinuing ongoing treatment such as methadone maintenance therapy, hepatitis C treatment, or antiretroviral therapy.
33166825 Within this, the importance of strategic clarity and delivery, housing, lowered thresholds to methadone provision, Benzodiazepine (BZD) provision and Naloxone availability were key determinants of policy success.
33221125 The temporary loosening of regulations governing methadone and buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) in the U.S., instituted to prevent the spread of COVID-19, has created an opportunity to explore the effectiveness of new models of care for people with OUD. […] Regulatory changes-such as availability of larger take-home supplies of methadone and buprenorphine initiated via telemedicine (e.g., no initial in person visit; telemedicine buprenorphine permitted across state lines)-could modify the cascade, by reducing the burden and increasing the attractiveness, availability, and feasibility of MOUD both for people with OUD and for providers. […] We review examples of more liberal MOUD regimens, including the implementation of buprenorphine in France in the 1990s, primary care-based methadone in Canada, and low-threshold buprenorphine models.
33288348 The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO), in Greenfield, Massachusetts, is among the first jails nationwide to provide correctional populations with access to all three medications to treat opioid use disorder (MOUD, i.e., buprenorphine, methadone, naltrexone).
33298301 Historically, federal and state policies have narrowly defined treatment models that have resulted in limited access to and engagement in counseling for individuals receiving medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD; e.g., methadone and buprenorphine).
33303255 This included loosening restrictions on medications for OUD (MOUD), including methadone and buprenorphine.
33342667 COVID-19 necessitated rapid changes in methadone take-home policies in opioid treatment programs (OTPs); these changes markedly contrast with existing, long-standing federal mandates on OTP rules about take-home methadone. […] We provide suggestions for future research that will examine the impact of COVID-19 on OTP treatment and its patients, as well as the effect of making methadone take-home polices patient centered, all of which may foreshadow larger changes in the ways OTPs deliver their services.
33350504 With the rise of opioid deaths and methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) being the “gold standard,” evidence lacks the quality of life for those on Methadone. […] This study aimed to develop educational materials for communities and clinics about MMT and abstinence, utilizing the PhotoVoice technique to represent the voice of those on Methadone treatment (MMT) and abstinence for recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD). […] Participants shared firsthand experiences of life on Methadone and abstinence, resulting in a short video clip and a poster. […] Five participants on Methadone and four who were abstinent were recruited. […] The PhotoVoice project revealed personal barriers, while on Methadone, that impede a full and rich life spiritually, mentally, and physically.
33353790 Opioid treatment programs (OTPs) operate within a rigid set of clinical guidelines and regulations that specify the number of required OTP visits for supervised administration of methadone.
33357606 Covid-19 confers substantial risk for the >400,000 patients who receive methadone for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) and methods for safely dispensing large quantities of methadone to patients are lacking. […] This study evaluated the MedMinder “Jon”, an electronic and cellular-enabled pillbox that provides real-time monitoring to remotely manage take-home doses of methadone using a 12-week, within-subject, Phase II (NCT03254043) trial. […] We transitioned all participants from liquid to tablet methadone one week prior to randomization. […] We dispensed 167.92 g (1,974 doses) of methadone. […] Less than 1% of pillbox alerts were for medication being consumed outside the dosing window and we observed no evidence of actual or attempted methadone diversion. […] We were able to adequately manage patients who would not otherwise qualify for large quantities of take-home methadone when we dispensed methadone tablets via a secure pillbox. […] Our data support remote monitoring of methadone take-home doses and may inform clinic practices related to Covid-19.
33371945 Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hennepin County Jail in Minneapolis, Minnesota, offered short-term methadone maintenance, buprenorphine initiation and maintenance, and naltrexone initiation and maintenance to all jail residents with moderate to severe opioid use disorder (OUD).
33483222 A 2018 law (Chapter 208) made Massachusetts (MA) the first state to mandate that five county jails deliver all FDA-approved MOUDs (naltrexone [NTX], buprenorphine [BUP], and methadone). […] We will: (1) Perform a longitudinal treatment outcome study among incarcerated individuals with OUD who receive NTX, BUP, methadone, or no MOUD in jail to examine postrelease MOUD initiation, engagement, and retention, as well as fatal and nonfatal opioid overdose and recidivism; (2) Conduct an implementation study to understand systemic and contextual factors that facilitate and impede delivery of MOUDs in jail and community care coordination, and strategies that optimize MOUD delivery in jail and for coordinating care with community partners; (3) Calculate the cost to the correctional system of implementing MOUD in jail, and conduct an economic evaluation from state policy-maker and societal perspectives to compare the value of MOUD prior to release from jail to no MOUD among matched controls.
33551465 Changes include allowing patients to take home more doses of methadone and buprenorphine rather than coming to the clinic every day (for methadone) or weekly (for buprenorphine) and relaxed restrictions on telehealth delivery. […] Applied social science questions raised by the new guidelines include: who receives take-home doses of methadone and buprenorphine and why; and how media representations of risk and benefit rationales shape real-world policy and practice.
33558165 Five major themes related to OUD treatment were identified: Concern about closure of OUD treatment services; transition to telehealth and virtual care; methadone treatment requirements and increased exposure to COVID-19; reactions to changing regulations on medications for OUD; and influences of the pandemic on treatment motivation and progress.