DrugBank ID: db01018
DrugCentral: guanfacine
Synonymous :guanfacina | guanfacine | guanfacinum

Drug Sentece Context

Table 1. Analysis of context sentence of guanfacine gene in 1 abstracts.

pmid sentence
33229969 Brian’s developmental pediatrician initiated guanfacine (eventually adding a small dose of aripiprazole) and referred the family to psychology for weekly telehealth behavioral parent training to address behavioral concerns using the Research Units in Behavioral Intervention curriculum.1Brian’s behavioral problems decreased during the initial weeks of the COVID-19 crisis, when he no longer had to leave home or attend special education. […] The developmental pediatrician continued to modify the medication regimen over the summer, transitioning Brian from guanfacine to clonidine and increasing his aripiprazole incrementally (with clear increased benefit); hydroxyzine was also used as needed during the episodes of highest intensity.Despite the availability of best-practice guidelines for children with Brian’s presenting concerns,2 a confluence of barriers (geographic, economic, ABA work force, global pandemic, etc.) present serious questions for his family and care team related to the next steps in Brian’s care.